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2018-11-07 09:16 创投圈优质早报


A good platform is a double 11 every day, and there is no need to pick the day, tighten your belts, count your wallets to buy something, and make it a double 11 every day.


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1. Wang Songqing >


On 3 November, the iG team won the Global Finals of the Heroes Coalition S8, but on the Internet it was their boss, Si-jung Wang, whose photo of eating hot dogs triggered a lively discussion.


On the evening of November 6, Wang Si-sung made a draw on the heat of the network. There's an online count, Wang's drawing, and he's got 100 W in 35 minutes, breaking 200 W in an hour. By the time of this morning's report, the microblogging was 1300 W, marking 1087 W. The final transmission is expected to be over 2000W, and Wang's is & & ldquao; real top flow & & rdquao; and & nbsp;


@Rooky police: Let's do it or we'll hit the field? Never mind, the headmaster's going to split the 11s.


@Poetry and Expedition: This wave of Pumping Award emotional marketing is bright, too. Do you want a double 11?


@Beep: It's expected to be another tweet. Good luck.



2. > > > > > > >. >. >. >. >. >. >. >..............................................................................................................................................................................................................


On November 5th, at 17:30, China’s global station decided to suspend all CDC transactions and charging services on the tender platform. On that day, there was also a block chain media & & ldquao; blocks moved BlockBeats & rdquao; and on a microblob explosion, the CDC consumption chain was suspected to run, six days, financial news, Yang Ning confirmed that the team had been disbanded, the project had stopped, and & & ldquao; entry into the currency ring was the most regrettable thing of my career & rdquao; and he was in the pit and had no rights.


CDC's consumption chain is a global consumer data asset trading platform based on block chain technology, and its application is based on micro-credit. Lebo Capital Yangning is a consumer chain permanent consultant, often a CDC platform. The consumer chain CDC's public code is updated in August, and Weibo in May.


3. the Soft and Silver Vision Fund confirms that the investment byte beats the company


Soft and Silver Group established 10 trillion yen & ldquo; Soft and Silver Vision Fund ” bytes to run short video APP“ TikTok (Screak Video International) & rdquo; bytes to jump. Soft and Silver Group acknowledges the bytes to jump through the Soft and Silver Vision Fund, but & ldquo; no comment & rdquo; (Japanese and Chinese)


4. > & ldquao > ; $1.5 billion to $2 billion to seek a new round of financing & rdquao > ; news is inaccurate


In response to Reuters & ldquo on the morning of 6 November; the completion of a new round of financing, valued at $2 billion and valued at $300-4 billion & rdquo prior to the investment; and the reported explicit response of the Director General of Radio Café Public Relations, Jo Yan Yan & ldquo; the inaccuracy of this information & rdquao; and the specific scale and valuation of the financing of the current round, she said & ldquao; and it is not easy to disclose it now.


5. > : Hammers Chengdu has not been dissolved. > . >. >....................................................................................... strong......................................................................................................


He explained that the same project that he had previously done, and that its research and development staff were located in several places, had affected the actual operation. To that end, the company had made a staff adjustment, and he had joked that integration would continue and that it might be followed by an outsider who would say that the company had collapsed.


Also with regard to bullet text messages, at the hammer tech launch in the fall of 2018, Lo Young-ho said: & ldquao; to be honest, texting a bullet has nothing to do with us having no interface. & rdquao;


6. The Hammers will be launched in the autumn of 2018: in addition to the wetters, the speakers and the pullers

锤子科技2018秋季新品发布会在成都举行,本次发布会有三款新品,却没有手机。新品包括:9L版的畅呼吸智能落地式加湿器,定价1999元,4L版的畅呼吸桌面式加湿器,定价999元。大卫和希瑞智能音箱 D1,可以一键收发子弹短信,有男女两种声音,两组人物性格。定价899元,2019年春季上市。

In the autumn of 2018, a new release of hammer technology will take place in Chengdu, where three new items will be released, but no mobile phones. The new items include: 9L, a smart breathing drop-down wetter, 1999 and 4L, and 999. David and Hillary, smartphones & nbsp; D1, with one key to text messages with two voices for men and women, and two groups of characters. The price is 899 dollars, and the spring of 2019 is on the market.

还有一款名为 LEVEL 8 的登机箱,针对经常外出的商务人士遇到的问题,LEVEL 8 进行了数项贴心的优化设计。在售价方面,LEVEL 8 铝镁合金材质旗舰版售价 1999 元,标准版售价 1199 元,PC 材质版售价 299 元。

There is also a boarding box called   LEVEL 8  LEVEL 8  several finely optimized designs for frequent outbound business people. In terms of selling prices, LEVEL 8  Aluminium magnesium alloys flagship & nbsp; 1999 & nbsp; Won, Standard & nbsp; 1199 & nbsp; Yuan, PC & nbsp; Price & nbsp; 299 & nbsp; Yuan.


7.ofo several suppliers have ceased production and Beijing >ofo moved to the Central Chinese Village Internet Finance Centre



According to a journalist's survey, several cooperative manufacturers have already stopped producing the ofo car, and Beijing ofo staff are moving from the Headquarters Ideal International Building to the 5th floor of the Central China Village Internet Finance Centre. The announcement from the yellow car shows that: “ ofo's office lease with the Ideal International Building is nearing completion. Based on the business development needs of the company at this stage and comprehensive costing, the office address of the ofo car will be updated to the Central China Village Internet Finance Centre.


8. : Alibaba inventives have been sued by users and cannot receive SMS on a regular basis


In the third quarter of the year, the Ministry of Industry and Informatization and the telecommunication user complaints agencies in the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) received a total of 18,533 complaints from telecommunications users, a 7.5% increase and a 6.5% increase in the ring comparison.


9. to set up auto-drive research teams in Silicon Valley.


It is recruiting autopilot engineers in Palo Alto, California, United States of America. The job advertisements published on LinkedIn claim that “ we are building a research team for the auto business sector in Palo Alto. & & & & & ; the job announcements published in LinkedIn indicate that it will recruit at least nine engineering jobs, including route planning, sensor integration, car intelligence, and machine learning. LinkedIn's information indicates that these jobs were released two weeks to one month ago. The news does not comment on its auto-drive program in Silicon Valley.


10. The birth of the 11th Sons of Skycats: 1 out of 75 million, the sum of the prizes is more than 100 million


On November 1, at 11:11, Skycat official Weibo sent a & ldquo; wished you the strongest C-bit! & & rdquo in the universe; Weibo published a new round of & & ldquo; Jinjiang & & rdquo; campaigned to draw the son of 11 Skycats on November 6, giving & & ldquo; Historic & & rdquo; White C-bit resources. By the time the prize was drawn, the microblog had been transmitted nearly 75 million times.


11. > >. ; irregular > >. . >. >...............................................................................................................................................................................................


In response to Aichi culture’s filing of beans petals before the courts, and the continuing decline in the Python petals rating of the Wonders of Food and Light, on November 6, the company found that & ldquo; Achicto vs. Bean petals and & rdquo; the news led some users to play a star on a show in the afternoon of 6. The main purpose of the peas pets rating is to try to restore the average view of ordinary viewers about a film/TV play. Do not use the ratings to express their views on non-work itself, all irregular ratings will be excluded. & & ldqua; we will do our best to ensure that all entries are rated properly & rdquao; (the Daily Securities Journal).


12. < < < /strong > > : > ; > ; > ; < > ; > ; > > ; > > ; > > ; > > ;


And & & & & & & *


13. > > >. >. >. >. . >. . . >. . . >... .. >........................................................................................................................................................................................


In two consecutive days, Wanda's film re-enacts, and a conference call after today's show. The Wanda film says that the injection of assets will lead to the creation of a film ecclesiastical community: a sustained investment in cinemas, a strengthening of the content of the rings, and an up-and-down connection. Over the next few years, companies will be able to expand 80-100 people per year in their channels, and about 50% of the cities will be set up on new and second-line lines.


14. >. >..........................................................................................................................................................................................................


& & & & & & & & Quo, organized by the RTDP, November 6th. The Senior Vice-President of RTG said: & & & & & Qiaoquo; for the RTG, it is also an issue that we have been thinking and exploring about how to better protect young people on the platform. & & & rdquo, he announced that in order to better promote a healthy digital life for minors, the Social Welfare Foundation will donate 10 million yuan to support research and practice for a healthy digital life for minors.


15. Weibo set up a socialized marketing institute to launch a marketing forever-motivated model


On 6 November, Weibo announced the establishment of the Socialized Marketing Institute and launched the Weibo Marketing Long Motivation Model. Weibo's CEO, Wang Gao, stated that Weibo had set up the Institute of Socialized Marketing, hoping to connect the data, resources and insights accumulated over the years at the marketing level, to strengthen linkages with clients, partners and third-party data agencies, and to provide partners with a structured set of theoretical and practical tools to drive improvements and innovations in marketing models.


16.FF requires two months' leave without pay, leaving only 10 managers at the plant


According to the latest news from the foreign media, FF’s car factory has required some employees to take unpaid leave, while the factory has only 10 managers and directors. FF leased an abandoned tyre factory in Hanford, California, where it is not clear whether it is starting to install a car production line. An FF Hanford employee said that 60 employees of the Hanford factory were currently on unpaid leave.


17. > >. >. >. > >. >. >. > >. >. > >. >


On 6 November, &ldquo, sponsored by the Daemon Protection Platform for the Development of Young People; &rdquao, co-founder of the Conservatory Environment for Young People; and in Shenzhen, co-operated with Samsung, Hua, vivo, OPPO, Mi Five Hardware Terminals on functional integration, account access, equipment control, etc., in order to unite more social forces to build a healthy play environment for minors, &ldquao; soft and hard application & & rdquo; and antideficit. The latest data show that the daily hours of the minor users of The King's Glory fell by about 52.3 per cent compared to last year's height. (The Securities Times)


18. to collect $1.470 billion from the Q3 battalion, resulting in a net loss of $2,810.4 million >/strange


The third quarter of the vehicle is disclosed, with the company collecting RMB 1.47 billion in the third quarter, an increase of RMB 3095.3 per cent; the net loss of RMB 2,810.4 million, an increase of 56.6 per cent in the loss environment; and the delivery of 100 ES8 in the second quarter of the vehicle and 3,268 ES8 in the third quarter of the vehicle. A 95.6 per cent ~ 103.8 per cent increase is projected in the fourth quarter of the vehicle; and the projected delivery of 6700 ~ 7000 ES8 in the fourth quarter.


19. formally became the second-largest shareholder of the BroadSmall Group, with $7.8 billion in replenishment recorded in


During the evening of November 6, Hiroshi Group officially became the second largest shareholder of the Great Exchange Group. On October 16, Hirohito Group issued an announcement that it had completed business changes in equity transfers and replenishments. According to the previous agreement, the Huinjiang Group would invest a total of $14.49 billion in the Great Exchange Group, of which $6.68 billion in equity transfers and $7.81 billion in replenishments. This is a new step in the area of automobiles, following its entry into the New Energy Motors Company FF at the end of June.


20. Alios is developing & ldquao; vehicle nails & rdquao;


According to sources, Alios is currently working with nails to develop car-car-load nails, will use full voice interaction, and is expected to integrate into the AliOS-based zebra system in the future.


21. > > the first full cargo flight of the Kyantung logistics, and Liu Jiangdong's friends cheering .


On November 6, Kyoto Logistics announced the first full cargo aircraft to sail successfully. At 3:00 p.m., the founder of the Kyoto Group, Liu Jiangdong, was on the personal microfiche of friends & ldquo; praises & rdquo; Kyantung Logistics, known as & ldquo; and the first full cargo aircraft from Kyoto Logistics to sail successfully today! & rdquo; (Kyoto newspaper)


22. > &ldquo > ; double 11 agricultural purchase list & rdquao > ; platform subsidy for sale of earth eggs


Between 7 and 9 November, the multi-platform platform will be subsidized, with a total of 50,000 9.9 parcels of earth-fed eggs distributed daily for three consecutive days and at 0 a.m. The multi-package crop revealed that the platform, in preparation for the war, brought together a number of businesses to supply supplies directly from thousands of professional farmers throughout the country.


23. Waif Forum: delete relevant web-based publications and close the relevant section


Recently, Shenzhen City investigated an unauthorized case of Internet publishing services. The investigation found that Shenzhen Science and Technology Ltd., without obtaining a license for Internet publishing services, operated in the company “ Steam Technology & & rdquo; Forum & & & ldquo; iPad e-book resource sharing area & rdquo; in the section, a large number of digitalized works, consistent with published books, newspapers, periodicals, etc., were made available for download by users.


24. > > >.


On 6 November, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed in Beijing between Kyouta and Mi Mi’s Fine Living Electric Platform, with deep cooperation in a variety of areas, such as the placement of selected products, third-party branding, counter-customization of commodities, and logistics. It is known that Mi has officially entered the official flagship shop in Kyoto to house, spend, cook, power, intelligence, cinema, clothing, etc. For the first time, Mi’s own product has been established on a cross-platform basis.


25.2018The Guangdong Fair of Intellectual Property Transactions was held to bring together global intellectual resources to build an international exchange platform on intellectual property rights


208 The Guangdong Fair of Intellectual Property Transactions will be held in Guangzhou and will be “ Intellectual Property Transactions & & & rdquo; at its core, it will invite a large number of internationally recognized intellectual property scholars, government, business, consular representatives, and other global intellectual resources to build a large international exchange platform that will bring together elements such as the demonstration of trade, exchanges, international cooperation, etc. on the results of intellectual property rights and the flow of resources for the supply and demand of intellectual property.


According to the information received, China's hard Licorne network of intellectual property and business services will share the changing international situation and historical opportunities of intellectual property rights with nearly 300 well-known institutions, enterprises, universities and research institutes, both within and outside China.


26. Guangzhou Autopilot taxis were stopped and it was forbidden to invite ordinary people to participate in testing


Since 1 November, the pilot pilot pilot taxi project in Guangzhou University City has been suspended by both the Guangzhou Regional Traffic Police and the Department of Transport. The Department of Traffic has indicated that it has not received notice from its superiors that it will be allowed to run the pilot operation. The Department of Transport has asked your department to suspend the pilot operation in the University City immediately, to ban the participation of the general public in the testing and to report immediately to the Municipal Transport Commission and the Police Department.



27. .


Disneyhall's offer of $71.3 billion to purchase Fox Recreational Assets in the 21st Century was approved by the European Commission on Tuesday, provided that Disney had to sell some of his interests in European television channels. In a statement, the European Union competition regulatory body stated that Disney had committed to displacing his interests in the European Economic Area, including & & ldquo; history and life & & rdquo; etc., in order to avoid undermining market competition after the acquisition of Fox. The Commission stated: & & ldquo; this decision depends on Disney fully fulfilling his commitments. & & & & & & rdquao; new wave technology)


28. apple $100 billion equity plan has been completed by about 30%


According to foreign media reports, Apple announced a plan to buy back $100 billion on 1 May of this year, of which it has now completed about 30%. According to a paper submitted by Apple Time Week’s United States Securities and Exchange Commission, its new stock buyback plan was launched shortly after the announcement, with $29 billion in ordinary shares repurchased in fiscal year 2018 as at 29 September.


29. > >. >. >. >. . >.. . . >. . >.........................................................................................................................................................................................................


According to the foreign media, this year has been the most intense year in the United States labour market in decades, as retailers such as Amazon, Tagit and Penney started to act early on, while raising salaries and benefits to compete for 700,000 holiday workers. To fill a large number of job vacancies, these companies competed fiercely. Cortez started recruiting holiday workers in June. Amazon announced plans to raise the minimum hourly wage of its 250,000 American employees to $15.


30. TikTok becomes the maximum download application in the United States

今年10月,全球短视频应用TikTok成为美国月度下载量最高的应用。近日市场应用机构Sensor Tower发布的数据显示,TikTok在上个月的下载量超过了Facebook,Instagram,Snapchat和YouTube。

In October this year, TikTok, a global short video application, became the highest monthly download in the United States. Recent market application, Sensor Tower, showed that TikTok had more downloads than Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube last month.


31. UK and Irish regulators joined forces to address Facebook tracking user issues


The UK Information Commissioner’s Office today states that issues such as Facebook tracking user behaviour have been referred to the Irish Data Regulator for information or action. According to the EU’s latest implementation & ldquo; General Data Protection Regulations & & rdquao; the Irish Data Protection Commissioner is responsible for managing the European-based US multinationals in Dublin, and is therefore the main regulatory body in the EU.


32. > last mile delivery project in Amazon, employing thousands of drivers


Amazon is launching a new & ldquo; last mile & & rdquo; delivery project for this year’s holiday shopping season. Amazon has confirmed to the mainstream American media, BI, that it plans to hire and manage thousands of full-time drivers for the first time to deliver packages to customers at Amazon distribution stations across the United States. Amazon will directly manage these drivers, which means that the company will set their wages, provide them with delivery vehicles and arrange their delivery routes. These drivers are seasonal employees, but can choose to continue working in Amazon after the holiday.


33. Apple was sued for violating 11 video processing technology patents

据外媒报道,Dynamic Data科技公司起诉苹果,声称苹果的产品和服务侵犯了它的11项涉及视频流媒体播放、处理和优化的专利。这起诉讼案已于周一提交给美国得克萨斯州东区地方法院。很多迹象表明,这起诉讼是非执业实体组织发起的“专利流氓”行径。该公司起诉书称,它注册成立于今年4月。它还起诉了谷歌、微软、苹果等其他公司。(腾讯科技)

According to external sources, Dynamic Data Technologies sued Apple, claiming that Apple products and services violated its 11 patents related to video streaming, handling and optimization. The lawsuit was submitted to the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, United States, on Monday. There are many indications that the lawsuit was initiated by a non-governmental organization & ldquo; patented hooligans & rdquo; acts. According to the company's indictment, it was registered in April of this year. It also sued Google, Microsoft, Apple, and other companies.


34. CEO of Starbucks: We will apply U.S. experience in selling industries abroad


According to CNBC, Kevin Johnson, President and CEO of Starbucks, stated that he wanted to apply his experience in the Chinese and foreign sales industry to US business. He said that for clients, this meant that, through redesigned packaging and spill cover, the delivery of Starbucks products imitates the quality of the shop. & ldquao; the temperature of the beverages is the same as that prepared by the coffeemaker.




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