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The key word is still the mobile Internet, which was popular in 2015. But, as regular visitors here know, the face of a café has long changed. After two years of silence after the cold winter capital, it is becoming a transit point for information about currency circles.



创业大街很久没这样热闹了。表面上看,2 月的创业大街显得有点冷清,除咖啡馆前排列整齐的活动指南,很少能看到人走动,偶尔有人出现,裹紧大衣,在街边小吃店买了饮料后匆匆离去。与街景截然相反的,是咖啡馆里火热的区块链活动。

It's been a long time since the start-up street. On the surface, the start-up street of February seems a little chilly, with very few people moving around, except for the coffee shop, where people occasionally appear, close their coats, buy drinks at the side of the street, and leave in a hurry. In contrast to the street, it's a hot chain in the café.

4 个月前,央行七部委发布 ICO 禁令,中关村大街里外都透着凄凉。而从 10 月份开始,被禁止为区块链相关活动提供场地的创业大街,开始外冷内热。咖啡馆的大厅里,身穿黑、灰色的创业者紧盯着电脑,等待着约客前来。而在隐秘的会议室中,咖啡馆则成了区块链孵化活动的主场。

Four months ago, seven departments of the Central Bank issued an ICO ban, which covered the streets and the streets of Central Kwana. Starting in October, the entrepreneurship street, which was banned from providing space for block-chain-related activities, began to have cold internal heat.

车库咖啡 3 楼的会议室里,正进行着一场数字币暴跌后的投资指南会议。原定两点开始的会议室,在两点前已坐满。五十平米左右的狭小空间里,容纳了密密麻麻的近百人。空间的紧张使得每个人的椅子前后脚紧贴着,留出的缝隙甚至不足以人们进出。

In the garage coffee room on the 3rd floor, there is a meeting of investment guides following the fall of the digital currency. The conference room originally scheduled to start at two o'clock is full by two. In a narrow space about 50 square metres, there are close to 100 people in a dense and numb space. The tightness of space keeps everyone's chairs close to their front and back, leaving not even enough gaps for people to access.

大批正在创业的年轻人聚集在车库咖啡,这里更像是个大学食堂或者是网吧 @视觉中国

There's a lot of start-up young people gathering in garage coffee, more like college canteens or Internet cafes @Sight China


At the beginning of the two-point meeting, at three, people came in, and the disorderly seat space was compressed again. The first came to the podium, and the second came to the end of the row or back door with stitches.

PPT 每翻一页,现场的手机便立马举了起来,后排的人索性站起身来拍。晚到刚进门的人,甚至书包都来不及放下,赶紧拿出手机举过头顶。这是一场付费的区块链会议,参与者每人缴纳 50 元“场地费”,所有来的人都不愿错过那些看似能让自己一夜暴富的信息。

Every time a page is turned, the cell phone on the scene rises up, and the people in the back stand up. People who come in late can't even put their bags down and get their phones out of their heads. It's a pay-as-you-go block-link meeting, where participants pay $50 per person, and all of them don't want to miss the information that seems to make them rich overnight.


The streets of entrepreneurship are still the same, with dark grey buildings watching entrepreneurs who come and go with red and cold wind. But those who come and go change at every hot or cold moment.

主讲人刘君(化名)分享了前两天参加美国硅谷的区块链大会的见闻后,开始主力宣传自己的社群计划,其中包括付费群和 token 计划。不久前他还在公号中痛斥大佬们利用信息不对称赚外快的行为,但现在,他也成为了其中一员。

After sharing the news of his participation in the Silicon Valley block chain meeting the previous two days, the presenter Liu began to focus on his own community projects, including payment groups and the Token project. He also denounced the fact that he was using information asymmetrical to make extra money in the town hall a few days ago, but now he is one of them.

“在社群里只有七八个人,就急着推广自己的 token 。”社群还没建好,就想发币的圈钱者,刘君在国内外见过很多。与他们不同,1 个月前,刘君组建了社群,明确表明不发代币,做共享知识社群。一个月后,5 个社群人数都达到上限,他开始筹划发行项目 token。

"There are only seven or eight people in the community who are eager to promote their token." Unlike the community, Liu Quan, who wants to pay money before it is built, has seen a lot in the country and abroad. Unlike them, Liu Qun formed a community a month ago, making it clear that he is a knowledge-sharing community without a token. A month later, five communities reached the ceiling, and he started to plan a distribution project token.

2017 年 8 月,刘君从美国硅谷回到家乡浙江,10 月,经历 9.4 禁令后的全盘大跌,他来到北京。由中东和北美地区的美系皮卡、悍马车配件的制造销售业,转向区块链领域,他考虑了近半年。最终,朋友的致富经历和成为圈内大V的成就感让他下决心转行。

In August 2017, Liu Qun returned from Silicon Valley to his home town, Zhejiang, in October, after a massive fall after the 9.4 ban, and came to Beijing. From the US department of the Middle East and North America, the manufacturing and sale of pickups, Hummer parts, to the area of block chains, he considered for almost six months.


Even if Liu is far away from the original theme, “Investment guidelines after digital currency collapses”, he is unable to block a lively discussion among investors. As soon as the free-flowing link arrives, each begins to look for prey. Investors and project participants bring their own gravity, surrounding a large circle. In the language of the project’s various renovations, the potential investors around are looking for a happy light.


“Are you squeezing?” has become a cold word between strangers in the movement. “Fiscaling only makes you poorer and poorer.” They usually laugh and laugh at each other, but their eyes are full of joy. Some propose, “Put on a microbite,” so that the sound of scavengering moves around.


Wai Jie stood outside a small circle where he was talking about going to the center, where more than a metre and a half were sitting among the sitting people. “The centralization is China!” His words immediately drew the eyes of the admirers, and in this circle only the big man is qualified to speak out. At this moment, in front of a white man who has just entered the room, he is the big man.

抱着寻找好项目的目的而来的贵林(化名),坦言这次会议令他“很失望”,根本没有链接国外资源。他自称来自微软,曾自创输入法,并有多项发明。他临近 9.4 入场,明显感觉到了市场的冷热两级。

With the goal of finding a good project, Gui Lin, he was told that the meeting was “unsatisfied” and that there was no link to foreign resources. He claimed to have come from Microsoft, had created his own input method, and had many inventions. He came closer to 9.4 and clearly felt the cold and hot levels of the market.


He is now engaged in adult singing online education, and plans to link music education to the block chain. So, he attends two block chain in-depth meetings every month and learns about it.

与贵林一样,书生也感到一无所获。“这个会太 LOW 了,一个大佬都没有!”花了一个多小时从大兴赶来的书生满脸不高兴,他懊恼参加了如此低端且没有意义的会议。但进入自由交流环节时,他一改之前的倨傲,主动加入别人的谈话中,言语间尽显自己作为资深业内人的优越感。

“This will be too LoW, none of the big guys!” spent more than an hour in the middle of the fun with his disgruntled face, upset by his participation in such low-end and meaningless meetings. But when he entered the free communication chain, he changed his pride and took the initiative to join other people’s conversations, in which he expressed a sense of superiority as a senior practitioner.


When he left, he sent out a circle of friends, "a great wave of new pickles ready to enter." The map was used as an example of an active and committed participant.



“We are lucky to have talked about a project party, or I'm in vain.” The book says that participation in such an event is “to cut the project side.” His business is called an incubator, which is equivalent to a broker for the project. The project side needs, “A white paper, community operations, project promotion, access to exchange resources, etc., we can all get in touch.” But the trip was not a good one, and there was no active search for the target clients of the block chain incubating the industry.

幸好,书生遇到人拿着项目,想要上线平台。有人告诉这个人 3000 万可以上火币,书生说 1500 万就让他上。进入 2018 年,上线交易平台的价格已经随数字货币的火热水涨船高,从 800 万、1000 万、1200 万到现在 1500 万乃至更高,随时变动的行情价格并不是所有圈内人都知道,因此项目方也会成为被割的一方。

Fortunately, the student met with someone with the project and wanted to go to the platform. Some told him that 30 million people could go to the gun, and the book said 15 million. In 2018, the prices of the online trading platform had risen with the heat of the digital currency, from 8 million, 10 million, 12 million to 15 million and up to now, and that the price of the dynamic was not known to all the people in the circle, so that the project would be one of the cutters.


In circles where the human pulse is equal to everything, it is difficult or difficult to get the project online. The project issued by the big poker player can be done in a single word, almost a hundred words. Even if the big guy doesn't stand up and say that the coin “Li laughs” is also held, it will be stolen.

那张流传甚广的币圈扑克牌 图片来源于网络

It's a very popular ring of cards, and it's based on the Internet.

“区块链也许没有想象中那么多的用处,但对我来说,它代表着一个群体对公平、公开、公正及财富自由的向往。”书生个子 170 出头,身形偏瘦,坐一会就得抽根烟,来回踱步。谈话的一小时内他抽了三根烟。

"The block chain may not be as useful as it might be, but for me it represents a group's desire for fairness, openness, justice and freedom of wealth." The book comes out 170, it's thin, sits down for a while, smokes three smokes in an hour. He smokes three cigarettes in an hour.


Unlike the small size of the block chain technology company’s office space and the difficulty of being located on the edge of the city, the project incubating company is usually well-furnished. The book-student company has just moved home, not so far, that space has been expanded from a few rooms to an entire floor.

怀揣“工作只能生活自由,炒币才能财务自由”的信念,书生去年 6 月转行至区块链。支撑着这个信念的,是他接触的真实故事。比如数字币狂人刘佳的自媒体,通过点位分析,用模棱两可的言语打广告,每篇文章阅读数固定在五万左右,一篇能收数十万。“这其实就是配合庄家割韭菜,但人家从 2017 年 6 月到现在能入手上千万。自己建的群进群费 1 个 BTC ,群里有超一百个人。”

With the belief that “work can only live in freedom, money can be paid in financial freedom”, the bookman turned into a block chain in June of last year. This belief is underpinned by the true story of his contact. For example, Liu Jia, a digital money hysteria, whose own media, through spot analysis, advertises in vague terms, with a reading fixed at around 50,000 per article, with hundreds of thousands. “It's actually working with the dealer, but he's been able to access tens of thousands from June 2017 to the present. He's built a group of more than one BTC, with more than one hundred people.”

转行后的生活状态就是“主业炒币,副业工作”。新工作的好处是,公司提供住宿,住在离上班地点仅隔一条街道的公寓里。近 50 平的房间里,放置了一张双人床和一个上下铺,居住者仅有两个,书生和另一个同事。

The state of life after the transfer is the “principal mound, side job.” The advantage of the new job is that the company provides accommodation in an apartment located only one street away from the place of work. In a room close to 50 flats, a double bed and a top-down bunk have been placed with only two residents, a student and another colleague.


Booksman's rooms, beige and pink background walls, and furniture like sofas, cabinets, etc. are new. As soon as you enter the door table, there is a mix of living things like towels, electric kettles and so forth, the beds of two people are piled up, and a pair of white slippers and a pair of black leather shoes are thrown on the side of the bed. The room is south of the window with a red couch.


The student opened curtains and took out what he used to read, "How to invest in digital money," quelling the folding marks of reading, "The world used to feel dark, and now it's light." He looked at the highlights of his folding in the book, and said, "The sun comes through the window in the afternoon, passing the sofa on the wooden floor, and the tops of the ground are very clear.

“要有信仰,否则你晚上连觉都没法睡,毕竟你炒的就是一坨空气。”他现在每天生活的唯一重心就是炒币,HPY、NXT 等都是最近在私募阶段就投资的币。但这两天监管形势不好,币值已经从数十万变成几万。不过他丝毫不担心,“安心工作呗,反正过完年就会涨回来”。

“Be of faith, or you can't sleep at night, after all, you're just a piece of air.” The only focus of his life now is the money he spends every day, and HPY, NXT, and so on, is the money he recently invests in the private sector. These two days of bad regulation, the value of which has changed from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands.

1 月,央行断了虚拟数字币的银行和第三方支付通道,他所在的公司矿池占世界矿场算力 5 %,迫于监管的压力,老板开始在国外寻找矿场,公司的氛围也有些紧张。“老板这几天就满世界飞的谈这事儿,具体在哪我也忘了,反正就什么‘斯坦’来着。”

In January, the central bank cut off the virtual digital currency bank and third-party payment route, where his company's ponds accounted for 5% of the world's mines, and, under regulatory pressure, the boss started looking for mines abroad, and the company's atmosphere was a little tense. “The boss has been talking all over the world these days, and I forgot exactly where, anyway, "Stan."

书生打算明年一年赚个三五百万就退出,拿赚到的钱做实体经济的投资。“人的贪欲是无穷的。” 9.4 禁令当天,书生将用蚂蚁花呗借了两万投资的数字币全部清空,亏了不少。虽然帐早还完,本金也翻了好几倍。但财富瞬间成为泡沫的阴影使他不得不谨慎。

Booksman intends to make 35 million dollars a year and invest the money he earns in the real economy. “Man's greed is infinite.” On the day of the ban, booksman emptied all the digital coins he borrowed from 20,000 ants.

“项目方面我们现在很谨慎,今天上午刚刚听说对接的项目被别人抄袭。”中元对项目信息三缄其口,因为不久前对接孵化的项目被假冒的投资者套走了信息,现在情况很棘手。失去了 ICO 项目的核心、创意和价值,意味着失去了对投资者的吸引力,对卖创意的项目方来讲,即使再会讲故事,这也是致命的。

“In terms of the project, we are now very cautious, and we have just heard this morning that the docked project has been copied.” The Chinese dollar has been silent on the project information, because it was recently taken away by pseudo-incubated investors, and the situation is difficult. Losing the ICO project’s core, creativity and value means losing its appeal to investors, and it is deadly for creative parties, even if they are to tell stories again.

中元极像岳云鹏,无论是身材还是长相。他所在的孵化公司成立不久,老板也不算圈内大佬。但“这是个熟人圈子,孵化项目都是老板依靠圈内建立的信誉找的,我们只管对接孵化。”ICO项目自 9.4 后喷涌而出,谁都想趁机捞一把,找中元老板孵化项目的人络绎不绝。而他的任务是,组织策划线下活动,先建立社群,为谈好的项目宣传,再通过以区块链为名目的活动,将其营销出去。

The Chinese dollar is like YOON Yunjun, regardless of his size or appearance. Not long after his incubation company was formed, the boss is not the boss. But, “It's a circle of acquaintances, the incubation project is based on the credibility built by the boss in the circle, and we're just looking for incubation.” The ICO project has come out since 9.4, and everyone wants to take advantage of the opportunity to reach out to the Chinese boss's incubation project. And his mission is to organize offline activities, build communities, promote well-negotiated projects, and market them through activities in the name of block chains.


“Don't get it, you put the money in first, and the problem is no more.” He thinks he'll be cut in the first place, and only if he gets cut will he know what an investment is. But he himself, because he's conservative, didn't vote a currency.

有这样想法的人不止是中元。“知道那么多都没用,想入场就先去买几个比特币和以太坊。往里面扔 2 万块钱,这样体会一下投资的真实感觉。”董记(化名)头都没抬,眼睛时刻盯着手机,鼻子上架着一副厚厚的黑框窄边眼镜,穿着是典型的理工男形象。

Those with this idea are more than Chinese. “Knowing so much nothing, you go into the field and buy a few bitcoin and Ether. Throw 20,000 dollars in it, so you know how it feels to invest.” Don's head is not up, his eyes are staring at his cell phone, his nose is full of thick black frames and narrow glasses, and he's wearing a typical figure of the man of science.


“There is no fear in greed, there is greed in fear.”

“经历过 9.4 监管,你就知道现在那些不算什么。”

"During 9.4 regulation, you know it's nothing."

2018 年 1 月起,监管的风声就越来越近,但区块链项目的火热依旧不减半分。中元已经忘了从 1 月到年前具体孵化过多少个项目,但最近异常的忙碌使他感觉很疲惫。7 号晚上,他一改往常加班到九点的习惯,提早两个小时回去,“虽然回去也没什么事情做”。

Since January 2018, the winds of supervision have come closer, but the heat of block-chain projects has not been halved. The Chinese dollar has forgotten how many projects were hatched between January and the year before, but its recent unusual busyness has made him tired. On the night of the 7th, he went back two hours earlier, “though there is nothing to do”.

那天是他的生日,他走的时候同事都还在加班。提早下班后他临时找人吃了顿火锅,当做生日该有的仪式。走在五道口的街边,他一边走着一边磕着瓜子。侃侃而谈他的业余爱好——嘻哈音乐。他讲了一串喜欢的嘻哈音乐歌手,其中还有曾经的非主流少女 CK。

It was his birthday, and his colleagues were working overtime when he left. After early work, he had to get someone to eat a hotpot as a birthday ritual. He walked down the street at the end of the five-way street and he slammed on a melon. He talked about his hobby, hip-hop music. He talked about a bunch of hip-hop singers he liked, and some of them used to be non-mainstream girls, CK.


When he threw up the last guacamole skin in his mouth on the side of the road, he lighted a cigarette. A year ago, he had almost 10 projects on his hands, and there were 89 in his communications. After that, activities would focus on two events in March, one on conventional investments and one on products, which would need to be planned early. To think about his mission, he smiled at a black coat with zippers.


墨非资本组织的区块链沙龙 图/AI财经社 李玲

Figure / AI Financial and Economic Affairs, Li Ling

“辉哥,给我开个房。” 9 月 5 日,刘辉正在香格里拉休养,徐建(化名)失魂落魄的来找他,说不能用自己的身份证开房,很危险,让他帮忙开个房间。徐建看起来“倍儿紧张”,说话时眼里满是慌乱。进房间后,没说几句话,头低着,埋在双肩之间。他害怕和人说话。

"Hui, open a room for me." On September 5, Liu was resting in Shangri-La, and Xu Jian came looking for him, saying he couldn't open a room with his identity card, and it was dangerous for him to help open a room. Xu Qu Jian looked like he was nervous and his eyes were full of panic. When he entered the room, he didn't say a few words, his head was low and he was buried between his shoulders. He was afraid to talk to people.

9 月 4 日当天,央行牵头的七部委发布联合公告,将代币发行融资定义为非法公开融资行为。ICO 项目清退潮由此开始,刘辉的朋友,游戏链负责人徐建首当其冲。徐建担心的不仅是游戏链需要退币,更害怕会受到刑事处罚,被抓起来,整个人都战战兢兢。他惊恐地徘徊在深圳,等待监管的下一步动作。最坏的打算是,若有牢狱之灾,立即从香港逃往国外。

On the fourth of September, seven ministries led by the Central Bank issued a joint communiqué defining the issue of funds in exchange as illegal and open financing. The ICO project began with the retreat of Liu Hui’s friend, the head of the game chain, Seo, who was worried not only about the need to withdraw money from the game chain, but also about the possibility of criminal punishment, but also about the whole population being held in a state of fear. He wandered in Shenzhen and waited for the next step of supervision.

9 月 4 日前两天,刘辉正好上个项目落脚在深圳,他每天住在酒店,闲来游游泳。这天发生了什么,他完全不知道。直到徐建的到来,刘辉才知道行业已经乱成一团,但他不在乎。

Two days before September 4, Liu was on a project in Shenzhen, where he lived in a hotel every day and came for a swim. He had no idea what was going on. It was only when Seo-jian arrived that Liu knew that the business was a mess, but he didn't care.

2017 年 5 月,ICO 突然像海藻一样在中国蔓延开来。作为中国第一批接受李笑来比特币去中心化思潮的受洗者,刘辉未赶上比特币的造富班车。

In May 2017, the ICO suddenly spread like seaweeds in China. As China’s first baptist to accept Li laughter to come to Bitcoin to centralize thinking, Liu Fai missed Bitcoin’s rich bus.

他开始游走于各种 ICO 项目,做路演主持。从 5 月底到 9 月初的 3 个月时间,他主持了超 20 场的活动,平均下来,每周至少两场。最忙的时候是 8 月,两天转三个城市,北京到上海,上海到武汉。

He started to swim on various ICO projects as a road show host. From the end of May to the beginning of September, he conducted more than 20 events, on average, at least two times a week. The busiest days were August, three cities, Beijing to Shanghai, Shanghai to Wuhan.

在他的记忆中,那些用区块链讲故事的项目中,一些项目发起人甚至并不懂区块链是什么,很多时候,区块链的故事也讲得并不通顺。但这是属于 ICO 的辉煌时期,就算混乱和无序充斥在市场上,ICO 依然火热。刘辉最常去的地方就是北京、上海、深圳、杭州、成都。在这些地方,ICO 项目会受到火热的追捧,活动场场爆满,从不担心没人来看。

In his memory, some of the project sponsors did not even know what a block chain was, and in many cases the story of the block chain was not easy to tell. But this was a time of glory for the ICO, and even when chaos and disorder were on the market, the ICO was still hot. The most frequent places for Liu was Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu.

9.4 后,ICO 依然火爆。投资者对 ICO 的热情让墨非资本联合创始人秋晨直呼“太疯狂”。“那群人连区块链是什么都不知道,就知道疯狂的买币。活动完就成被割的韭菜了。”秋晨亲眼目睹了韭菜们的疯狂。

9.4 After that, the ICO was still hot. Investors’ enthusiasm for ICO led the founder of the Indo-Capital Union to say, “It's too crazy in the fall.” “They don't even know what the chain of blocks is, they know how to buy crazy coins.


He had a deeper memory that when he reached the free-flowing link, the scene began to get messy, with loud voices full of project-based solicitations and information about the currency that investors were bragging at each other. A rough start-up program was packaged into a promising profit-making tool, and investors became new foods in a sense of urgency and a desire for information.

墨非资本就在中关村大街雕刻时光咖啡馆的对门。这个 50 平米左右的地方里,几乎放置了能想象的所有生活用品和办公用品。穿过门前摆放的两张拼桌,最里面靠着窗户放置着两张格子间式的办公桌。这里既是墨非资本的办公地点,也是区块链活动的举办地点。

Murphy's capital is at the opposite door of the time café sculpted on Nakhu Village Street. In this 50 square metres or so, almost all the living and office supplies can be imagined. Through the two collage tables that have been placed in front of the door, there are two inter-gauge desks with windows at the bottom. This is both a non-capital office and a block-chain event.

墨非资本从去年下半年开始 All in 区块链,12 月份开始举办区块链活动。仅仅12 月到 2 月,墨非资本布局的这 2 个月内,就明显感觉到不一样了。

All in block chains started in the second half of last year, and block chain activities started in December. In December and February alone, the two months of the ink non-capital layout were clearly different.


Autumn morning remembers that when a free event began, there were 80 or 90 people in this area. The event was empty and the scene was full. The scenes were usually noisy and disorderly, with only two types of people, investment projects and harvests.

“这个圈子只看钱!”除了钱,刘辉什么都不在乎。他很介意自己没上大佬扑克牌,因为这代表他资产的级别不够。他还记得,2013 年时常和李笑来吃饭聚会的自己,在 2014 年被李笑来无视。当时他偶尔给李笑来发消息、朋友圈留言,李笑来从来不理会。但 2017 年 12 月,转折来了。刘辉的分叉币消息刚放出仅10 分钟,李笑来便通过微信找了他,问:“ EMO 是你做的吗,我想投点?”

"This circle only looks at money!" He doesn't care about anything but money. He doesn't care if he doesn't go to Big Guy's poker game, because it's not good enough for his assets. He remembers that in 2013 he used to laugh at himself for dinner and was ignored by Lee when he smiled at him in 2014. He occasionally texted Li to send news and friends, and he smiled at him. But in December 2017, he turned around.

现在,他满脸笑意地说:“李笑来是 EMO 的主要投资人。”

Now he smiles and says, "Li laughs as the prime investor of the EMO."

刘辉是 9.4 后成为圈内大佬的。当时国内 ICO 项目全军覆没,他注意到了分叉币。在他看来,ICO 项目的进度太慢,还得买卖交易,且大多为私募,有非法集资的嫌疑。分叉币,只需要把币免费送给原来的持有者就大功告成,没有任何法律风险。

Liu Hui became the boss in the circle after 9.4. When the ICO project collapsed, he noticed a split currency. In his view, the ICO project was too slow, it had to be bought and traded, mostly for private purposes, and there was a suspicion of illegal fund-raising.


"I've tasted the money, and I don't want to go back and talk about a customer like I used to. The money is the most profitable." He found that everything has a cost, but the money has no cost. For the value of the money, Liu Fai said, "Don't make value judgements. Value judgements kill people. Just pay the money, that's all."


He doesn't give a shit about the question and evaluation of the fork. “Who wants to say who's not making money, who's making money? What's wrong with me?" He says, “This thing is like you making love, you have to do it according to your own feelings.” He has a greasy smile on his face.



Like the light in the night, which attracts moths, the big man in the middle of the village's entrepreneurial street is held up by a sane crowd as a source of light during the dark period of the chain and is glad to be left to slaughter.

“我是蛮感激李笑来的,因为他让我赚了钱。”吕杰 9 月 4 号前参与了李笑来的ICO 项目,ICO 禁令后被原价退还。风口过后,因参与过上次的 ICO 项目,他在李笑来的新平台上再次注册,得到了价值 50 万的币。

"I'm very grateful to Lee for laughing, because he made me earn money." Luger was involved in Li's ICO project before September 4, and the ICO ban was returned at the original price. After the wind, because he was involved in the last ICO project, he re-registered on Lee's new platform and got half a million dollars.

加之朋友告诉他,亲眼看到李笑来的钱包里有 10.5 万个比特币。因此,吕杰相信李笑来不差钱。“他都不在乎那几百万块钱,为什么还要割韭菜。”

And his friend told him that he saw 105,000 bitcoins in Lee's laughter purse. So Luiji believed that Lee's laughing wasn't bad money. "He doesn't care about millions of dollars, why he cut vegetables."

他看着表,时间马上就到了,他已经做好了急速下手的准备。但仅仅几秒钟后,他还没来得及眨下眼睛,项目显示已被抢光。“我们每天像傻子一样就等着开抢时间,还蛮高兴。有多疯狂,开抢十秒钟就没了。十秒钟啊,真的是你想塞钱给人人都不要的这种感觉。” 10 月份后,他就跟着李笑来的网站投。李笑来网站上线的项目是要抢的,每天上几个,都是秒光。在李笑来的网站 big.one上,他已经投了近 6 个 ICO 项目,每个项目的火爆程度都是如此,需要秒抢。

He looks at the watch, the time is almost up, and he's ready to do it quickly. But just a few seconds later, he hasn't blinked his eyes, and the project shows that it's gone. "We wait like fools every day to rob the time, and we're glad. It's crazy, it's not ten seconds. Ten seconds, it's true that you're trying to put money up to everyone's needs." After October, he throws it at Li's laughter site. Li's laughter project is a few seconds of light every day. On Li's laughter website Big.one, he's already dropped nearly six ICO projects, and every project is so hot that it needs a second.


After investing in digital coins, his life was completely different. "Awoke every day to realize that his millions are gone, and sleep a few million more." The money came so easily that he was anxious. Although he knew it was bad, everyone did it, so he comforted himself, "What is it? Is it not the end of it?"


In this circle, the dream of one night's richness must be accompanied by the preparation of one night's peace.


Luger admits that this is crazy, but he thinks he's a rational person. “I grew up as a child of other people's homes, and I grew up as a good standard child, not smoking, not drinking, not going to a nightclub.” He's white, tall, wearing black suits and sweatpants, stepping on a pair of bright leather shoes, speaking with a lot of body moves and looking confident.

比起从未谋面的李笑来,吕杰更信任赵东。吕杰正关注一个由赵东发起的新加坡 ICO 项目。他决定:“把钱给赵东,他拿钱去投,他有这方面的资源,也更专业,我相信他。”

Lu Jie believes in Zhao Dong more than Lee laughter, and Lu Jie is following a Singapore ICO project initiated by Zhao Dong. He decided, "Give the money to Zhao Dong, he takes the money, he has the resources and he is more professional. I believe him."

2016 年 10 月,吕杰刚到北京工作,在海淀区立方庭的一间 Loft,他见到了网友赵东。赵东的办公室已经用了很多年,空间有点逼仄。吕杰记得,赵东当时穿着格子衬衫,休闲裤,典型的程序员打扮。他有很多手机,在谈话期间一直用电脑、手机和不同的人交流。

In October 2016, Lu Jie just arrived in Beijing to work in a Loft in the District Court of Heinion, where he met a friend, Zhao Dong. Zhao Dong's office has been used for many years, and space is a bit strewn. Lu Jie remembers that Zhao Tung was dressed with a leather shirt, leisure pants, and a typical programmer. He had a lot of cell phones, and used computers, cell phones and different people to talk to him during the conversation.


The Café on Startup Street has become a transit point for all kinds of information in the block chain industry. Everyone sitting on the block chain, in addition to the public secrets of the business, such as money, concocting, ding-tao, etc., has a joke like that of a man who was wearing a suit in Sun Woo's morning.

车库咖啡中正在举行的区块链活动 图/AI财经社 李玲

The ongoing block chain activities in garage coffee


In the streets of entrepreneurship, there are legends of all kinds.


"I have several mines abroad, and I've made other investments before. But since the beginning of the digital currency, I've basically stopped taking care of other assets. It's simple, it's too money-earning to make any sense." In a café, a small, fat, middle-aged man, telling the people who sits with him about his path to wealth. In the whole conversation, but the numbers heard are basically hundreds of millions.


At that time, almost all of the people sitting next to them showed a look at themselves. He left early after feeling that they weren't much of an interest. But none of them realized that the middle-aged man, who seemed a little dirty, was a lot of Martians in the community.

火星人徐子敬拥有澳大利亚国籍。9.4 之后,ICO 项目全部叫停。他开始利用自己的外籍身份,疯狂宣传 ICO 项目超级现金。超级现金一个月涨了近 5 倍。于是他打赌,2018 年前达不到 1000 元,则“直播吃翔”。

After 9.4, the ICO project stopped. He began to use his foreign identity to promote the ICO project super-cash. Super cash went up nearly five times a month. So he bet he didn't reach $1,000 a year by 2018, and he went live.

最终超级现金价格停在 300 元。迫不得已,火星人兑现承诺,直播吃翔。他拿了一个透明的玻璃碗,象征性的扒拉了一口碗里棕色的液体混合物,脸上露出异常嫌弃的表情。

In the end, the super-cash price stopped at $300. The Martians kept their promises and went live. He took a transparent glass bowl with a symbolic pick-up of a brown mixture of fluids in the bowl, with an abnormally repulsive look on his face.



There are a whole range of people on the Central Kwan village business street. The model of trust that goes to the agency becomes a cover for the money of the protagonists after being misinterpreted indefinitely, and the consensus mechanism becomes the rule of the pyramids from which the big man lives. Nothing in the block chain can solve a human weakness.

“我们做技术的,不挣不该挣的钱。要投资就真金白银去投,不是去卖名声,卖空气。这是一个新的行业,来钱又快,如果没有敬畏心和使命感,是做不长久的。”井通科技 CEO 武源文坚信区块链技术的真正价值,却没料到人性的贪婪能癫狂到如此程度。

"We make the technology, we don't earn the money we don't deserve. To invest in real silver, we don't sell fame, we sell air. It's a new business, it's money, it's money, it's not long without fear and a sense of purpose." The CEO believes in the true value of block chain technology, but it doesn't seem that human greed can go so far.

他已经连续好几个月没睡过懒觉了,现在每天 4 小时的睡眠已经成为他的常态。昨晚他两点才睡,今早六点就起床。九点约了项目要谈,十点刚谈完,十一点又来了一波。“这样也好啊,至少能证明这是个朝阳行业。”他略带苦涩地说着,一张轮廓分明的方脸上,长期睡眠不足的黑眼圈没有影响到他,说话时炯炯有神的眼睛中透着坚定的光。

He hasn't slept for months in a row, and sleep for four hours a day has become his norm. Last night he slept at two o'clock, and woke up at six this morning. At nine o'clock, the project was about to be discussed, just after 10:00, and there was another wave at eleven. “It's good to prove, at least, that it's a sunny industry.” He said, with a bit of bitterness, that a long-term black eye with an undisturbed face did not affect him, and that there was a strong light in his eyes when he spoke.

睡眠极缺的状态是从 9.4 过后的 11 月开始的,他已经好久没过过周末了,每次不是谈项目就是去参加区块链活动。现在,能在周日睡个懒觉是他最大的奢求。快下午一点,午饭还没来得及吃,他打了电话,就要马上去谈项目。

The sleep deficit began in November, after 9.4, and he hasn't had weekends for a long time, either talking about projects or going to block chains. Now, sleeping on a Sunday is his greatest luxury.

作为技术流,他也是创业大街咖啡馆活动的常客。他通常被邀请去讲技术,从不参加币圈的活动。经过 9.4 的行业冬至,12月份活动又开始多起来的时候,他觉得解决技术问题的转机到了。

As a technology stream, he is also a regular guest in business street cafés. He is usually invited to talk about technology, and he never takes part in currency circles.


The hotness of block chains brings new opportunities for technology-making enterprises, traditional businesses fear losing blocks like the opportunity of the third generation of the Internet revolution, and running-in-the-ground companies are eager to seek access to block chain technology. This is a unique opportunity for him.


Sports events will also be an area of application for future block chain technology.@VisualChina

2017 年区块链爆热是他所没料到的,2013 年开始的苦行僧状态突然被反转,井通被以区块链底层技术企业被人所熟知。“原来是我们找企业,现在是企业来找我们,完全反了一过。”找上门来的生意越来越多,武源文几乎每天都在各地谈合作。员工们也不轻松,“现在几乎每天加班到十一二点。”

In 2017, when the chain of blocks was hot, which he did not expect, the state of bitter monks, which began in 2013, was suddenly reversed, and the technology firm at the bottom of the chain was known. “It was us who came to the business, now the business came to us, and it was all the other way around.” More and more businesses came to the house, and martial arts worked around the world almost every day.

但爆热前的艰辛和人性的冷漠他仍记得。那时谈一个项目至少要三五次,在企业有意向的前提下,谈成需要几个月到半年。有次好不容易谈成一个意向方,就剩最后一步被放了鸽子。“其实也是没办法,ICO 禁令一下,大家都不敢碰这个技术了。”

But he still remembers the hardship and human indifference before the explosion. It took at least three or five days to talk about a project, and it took months to six months to talk about it if the company was willing to do so. One time it was difficult to talk about an intention, it was the last step to be stood up. "It was impossible, ICO banned it, and no one dared touch the technology."

武源文见识过欲望支使下的疯狂,因此所有找来的项目都会重重筛选,被刷掉的几率是 50%。昨天还在做互联网游戏,今天就要做区块链的项目方,他见过很多。他对一个曾刷掉的人工智能项目印象深刻,“团队一看就是临时搭的,不稳定、没有实体支撑。项目方也没有AI相关背景。既没实体,又没技术,那不明摆着是骗人的吗。”

He was impressed by an artificial intelligence project that had been brushed off: "The team was temporary, unstable, and without physical support. There was no background for the project. There was no entity, no technology, and wasn't it a lie?"

ICO 死灰复燃的初期,他的团队还每天跟踪行业内的新项目,以便了解新的创新。但现在,完整的项目孵化产业链已经形成,“给 20 万,就能根据口述写好白皮书,外加包装概念和私募代理,圈钱一条龙服务。”跟踪已没有精力和意义。

In the early stages of the resurgence of the ICO, his team also followed new projects in the industry on a daily basis in order to learn about new innovations. But now, the entire incubation chain of the project has been formed, “Give 200,000, you can write white papers based on oral statements, plus the concept of packaging and private fund-raising agents.

他也和扑克牌上的大佬们有着或多或少的交集。他承认,大佬们确实投资了一些好项目,对行业项目落地有推动作用。但更重要的是,大佬们什么钱都挣,没有底线,“一个群能收 500 到 600 个ETH的进群费,就等于 500、600 万进群买消息。”

He also had more or less a connection with the big guys on the cards. He admitted that the big guys did invest in some good projects, and that they had a boost to the industry. But more importantly, the big guys earned everything, didn't have a bottom line.


Attempts to address the fraud in value exchange and to achieve a fair and transparent chain of information have, in lies, re-created severe barriers to access to value information.

入局很早的杨麦(化名),也是参加过很多次创业大街的区块链活动的大佬中的一个。他知道,不仅是社群,币种上交易所,有专门用来拉盘的钱。拉盘的计划都会提前做好,什么时候涨到什么价位也早有计划。比如之前上线币安的币种,上线后必定要拉高,ICO 时 3 块钱的币能拉到三百多。

The early arrival of Yang Mae is also one of the big players who has been involved in many block chains on the business street. He knows, not only in the community, but also in the currency exchange, that there is money to be used for plating.


Large exchanges have a large number of users, empty funds and market value management funds are a huge expense. Small exchanges that require little money to put prices in the right position are the preferred option for some.

“如果是从白皮书到 ICO 到上币到市值管理都管的话,我收 30% 多吗?”曾有传统金融机构向杨麦打听。他敲了敲桌子,“连白皮书都不愿意写,还做的什么项目!感觉像个玩笑吧,但这样的事情还真不少。”

"If it's from the white paper to the ICO to the upper currency to market value management, do I charge more than 30%?" There was a traditional financial institution that asked for it. He knocked on the table, "Don't even want to write a white paper, what's it like to do?"

武源文觉得这太疯狂了。他从 2013 年开始做区块链底层技术,经历过创业最难的阶段。他知道,做技术最缺的就是钱。但他不明白,“区块链行业现在既不缺钱也不缺人,资源又多,为什么不真正做点事呢?什么烂项目都能融资上亿元,仅有十几页白纸的项目投资回报高达几十几百倍,这正常吗?”

Wuwen thinks this is crazy. He's been doing the bottom-of-the-chain technology since 2013, and he's been through the hardest stages of entrepreneurship. He knows that the least technology is money. But he doesn't understand, "Why don't the block chain industry now need no money, no people, no resources? Why don't you really do something?


He just came back from Yuan yesterday, and he's dealing with government and business. “There's a purpose at the moment.” He laughs and swallows tea slowly. Yuan's digital city provides a huge scenario for the technology application of block chains, and he finds his company very promising.

“千万别投资国内 ICO 项目,真的太扯淡了。”杨麦给最后一位找他的参会者讲完,拖着疲惫的身子和硕大的行李箱走了。马上,他就要坐上回家的飞机,暂时远离创业大街疯狂的人群。

"Don't invest in domestic ICO projects, it's ridiculous." Yang's talking to the last person looking for him, dragging his tired body and his big suitcase. He's about to get on a plane home for a while, away from the crazy people on the business street. /span>




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    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...