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1. Regional


The block chain concept was first introduced in 2008 as an innovative portfolio innovation with existing technology, with core technologies such as P2P network technology, asymmetric encryption, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, etc. Block chain technology is particularly suitable for scenarios characterized by multiple collaborations, nodes, transparency of credit, and naturally has the advantages of reducing trust costs, achieving data sovereignty, and improving efficiency. Industry and academia are constantly researching and exploring block chain technology, but there are still a number of challenges to the development of the block chain, focusing on technology, scenes, and top-level design.


2. Status of development of the internal and external sector chains


1) Governments attach great importance to the development of the block chain, successively adopting a series of policies


Starting in 2016, governments have focused on the value of block chains, accelerating the deployment of Asian countries in 2017, moving to a high-speed phase of development in 2018, and deploying technology for block chains in various countries. The United States, the United Kingdom, and China have done so earlier and have developed rich applications in such sectors as finance, supply chains, etc. Singapore, Japan, and South Korea have become more focused and policy-open in their application. In terms of financial support, the United States Government has directly provided research and research to researchers and sector chain companies, with the United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea mainly focusing on investment block chain projects.


2. The development of technology and applications is being promoted by large domestic and international players in the cluster chain industry


In 2015 large domestic and foreign firms began to focus on block chain technology, with more attention to technology research and conceptual validation, some of them began to move into the military block chain industry in 2106, with more frequent domestic and foreign firms moving in 2017, beginning to apply and explore local applications, and a large number of block chain solutions and applications emerged in 2018. Domestic and foreign Internet enterprises focused heavily on the development of block chain bottom platforms, the launch of sector chains as services (BaaS) platforms, and the active exploration of applications such as supply chain finance, traceability, digital copyright, logistics tracking.


3) Open source is an important way to facilitate the technological development of the block chain, with active communities abroad


Open source is an important way to facilitate the technological development of block chains. A series of open-source platforms, such as Ether, Superbooks, DFINITY, BCOS, Ensemble Clouds, DNA, etc., have emerged. The active exploration by open-source communities, businesses, universities and universities of a range of key technologies in the direction of smart contracts, segment storage, network optimization, cross-chain interaction, etc. However, platforms such as Etheria have experienced a number of crowding events, security events, so performance, capacity, and safety optimization are the focus of the various platforms.


4. Talent development is the key to the innovation of the block chain, the positive layout of national and international institutions of higher learning


A total of 29 higher education institutions worldwide have offered courses and training in block-linking and have made great efforts to train professionals in block-linking. A total of 10 higher education institutions have launched a talent-training course, which is at the top of the world. This shows that China is one of the world’s leading institutions in terms of awareness-raising, including four in Shanghai, accounting for nearly half of the total number of Chinese higher education institutions, three of which are located in Yangpo District.


3. Overview of the development of technology and applications in the Shanghai block chain


1) Shanghai has a well-established block chain industry ecology, with the bottom platform leading the country


Shanghai has now developed an integrated ecological system from theoretical technological research to bottom-level research and development to industrial innovation. Higher educational institutions, such as the Instituto Nacional de Estudios estatos estatisticos, Convergence and Finance, are carrying out research and skills development in block-chain technologies. There are a large number of enterprises in the areas of finance, supply chains, shipping logistics, trade unions, research institutions, etc. that have been established to promote the development of block-chain industries.


2) Shanghai has put in place a series of policies to promote block chain technology and applications in collaboration between universities and the Alliance


Since 2016, Shanghai has been promoting the development and application of block chain technologies. The following chart shows the timing of policies related to the Shanghai urban block chain. To date, almost 10 relevant policies and recommendations have been put in place by various Shanghai government departments.


Since April 2016 in Shanghai, business institutions have set up a series of coalition institutions to promote joint research and development and application of block chain technologies. The following chart shows the time when the alliance has been formed. To date, at least seven business, institutional and university union bodies have been working on block chain research.


Starting in February 2016, the Shanghai University of Higher Education began to promote technological research and human resource development in block chains. Research institutes, joint laboratories, etc., have been set up at the University of Gangdan, the University of Shanghai Transport, the University of Shanghai Accounting and Finance, the University of Shanghai, the University of Technology in China and the University of Finance and Economics in Shanghai.


3) Shanghai has developed a number of technological innovation enterprises with a certain technological advantage


According to the White Paper on the sector chain industry issued by the Information Centre of the Ministry of Trade and Communications, at the end of March 2018 there were 456 block-chain enterprises in the country, and 95 block-chain enterprises in Shanghai are currently the second largest in the country; in view of the geographical distribution of the financing of the sector chain in Shanghai, there are 73 rounds in Shanghai, ranked second in the country, and there are some fundamental advantages in the development of the sector chain. According to the list of companies in Shanghai, the number of new districts in Pudong is 27, and the areas of Yangpu, Songjiang, Hyun-hyun, Bosan, Rainbow Dok, Huang-ho, etc., are also well-registered in the chain.


According to the patent data of the National Intellectual Property Office, the number of patent applications in the chain of blocks that have been made public has reached 2,077. The number of applications in Shanghai is 170, representing a certain gap between Beijing, Guangdong, and Zhejiang. At present, technology patents in the chain of blocks are concentrated on data technology, encryption, consensus technology, smart contracts, and the application of the chain of blocks. More than 700 patents have been applied in the chain of blocks.


After more than two years of exploration, Shanghai has piloted applications in the areas of supply chain finance, insurance, electronic record-keeping, etc., and has developed a set of typical cases that have served as a good model for the application and promotion of block chains. Through research and in-depth analysis of nearly 100 sector chain enterprises in Shanghai, the team has collected one-hand materials and typical cases, among which are the following: 10,000 block-to-block + supply chain financial services platforms based on core enterprise data for the auto industry, credit endorsements for small and medium-sized enterprise suppliers, development of “long-tail customers” in the supply chain, mitigation of multi-level supplier financing difficulties and high cost of financing; 21.27 million block-to-chain storage of health insurance electronic insurance policies dealing with insurance coverage, involving 37.36 million yuan in premium revenues; and the creation of “step chickens” for the scientific and technological production of the first global block-to-chain project, which has received a second Chinese segment prize for the development of the Chinese sector chain, organized by the Forum on Technology and Industrial Development of the Chinese District Chains; and electronic data storage products-to-legal chains have been used to provide electronic contracts to partners such as France.


4) Shanghai block chain technology has some advantages, but there are gaps in subsequent development


Shanghai has some advantages in the development of the block chain, such as the existence of a number of technology research and development enterprises in block chains, such as 10,000-way block chains, crowd security, distribution technology, and gold mound technology, and the national leadership of bottom platform technology; the natural application of the block chain to multiple collaborations, confidence-building mechanisms among multi-trust players, and many potential applications such as finance, shipping and supply chains in Shanghai; and the formation of sector chain research institutes in Shanghai universities and universities to provide sector chain education and training, with a certain pool of personnel.


There are, however, a number of shortcomings in Shanghai, where it is clear from the preceding analysis that block chain technology originates from abroad, is not yet well developed at the domestic level in terms of core technology, and many bottom platforms are dependent on open-source projects abroad. In terms of industrial applications, the role played by coalition organizations has yet to be excavated and further strengthened and needs to be promoted in collaboration with industry authorities. Shanghai block chain enterprises are still fragmented, it is difficult for industry to forge synergies, there is a need to create specialized clusters, and the ease of planning at the top needs to be further strengthened.


4. Recommendations for technological and industrial development of the Shanghai block chain


The development of technology and industry in the Shanghai block chain will be closely centred on the overall strategy of building the Shanghai “five centres”, seizing the opportunity to upgrade the “information Internet” to the “value Internet”, nurturing a platform economy of global scale and impact, a global scale and competitiveness of industry giants, constantly innovating new models, exploring new industrial practices, and serving the city of innovation in Shanghai, the city of humanity, and the city of ecology.


Shanghai has a certain advantage over other parts of the country in terms of research and development of the platform at the bottom of the block chain, and, in the light of current trends in block chain technology, we propose inputs and layouts in three areas: basic theory, technology platforms, and common technologies. Fundamental theory: since block chains are an integrated and innovative technology, their core technologies, such as current encryption, consensus algorithms, etc., need to be actively explored and innovative. In order to advance the technological excellence of the chain in the Shanghai sector, we need to start to develop from basic research, focusing on sector chain consensus algorithms, intelligent contract formalization, counterweight privacy protection, cross-chain interaction, etc.; technological platform: addressing the problems faced in the practical application of current block chain technology, we focus on performance optimization and security control of the technology platform in the sector; and common services: we recommend that emphasis be placed on promoting sector chain functions, performance, safety, testing, etc., certification service environment, etc., to help enterprises reduce the difficulties and costs of application.


Keywords: block chain; financial accounting; “accounting demise”; transparency


In recent years, block-chain technology has been pushed to the top of the spectrum of industries, providing a method of change in the traditional financial accounting industry by virtue of the advantages of its distributional structure, openness and non-frozenness. The block-chain technology itself has great application potential in changes and innovations in traditional financial accounting systems, and therefore the research and development and application of block-chain technology, both at home and abroad, is highly topical. The aim of this paper is to study the links and prospects for application between block-chain technology and financial accounting, to propose the essence and characteristics of the block-chain, to provide some solution for future development by analysing the advantages and optimal applications of block-chain technology in financial accounting.


I. Concept of block chain technology


The essence of the block chain is an open distributed account book, in which each node is equal in terms of terms of authority, does not need to be authorized, operates between nodes, relies on consensus mechanisms, follows the pre-established rules spontaneously and honestly, forms a self-completed structure, and minimizes risk, improves reliability and achieves resource sharing through mathematical algorithms, time stampes, etc.


II. Characteristics of block chain technology


First, decentralisation. The traditional accounting information system is a highly centralized structure, which is easily exposed to information leaks, manipulations, etc. Under the distributional structure of the block chain, there is only one centre in the traditional accounting chain, there is no interference between nodes, there are equal rights and obligations, there are multiple central collaborations, there is less asymmetrical information in the course of a transaction, each node follows a bottom-level agreement, does not need manual access, relies only on the machine for more reliable security, and effectively improves the problem of “General Byzantine” by omitting the involvement of intermediaries, guaranteeing greater stability and trustability. Secondly, anonymity, in order to ensure privacy of the nodes, the use of cryptographic techniques in the nodes, rather than relying on third-party institutions, reduces issues of credit risk, while at the same time ensuring the security of private privacy, helps the enterprise to establish links to external information systems while protecting the confidentiality of account information. Third, openness.


III. Status and prospects for the development and application of block chain technology in the area of financial accounting

区块链技术所展现的诸多优点使得其应用范围格外广泛,其应用前景必然是全球性的。以太坊的创始人Buterlin提出区块链是一个神奇的电脑,旨在给世界带来一个创造新机制,说明了区块链是创造经济和社会制度的技术。2016 年区块链财团R3CEV发布了首个分布式账本实验,使用了以太坊和微软Azure的区块链服务连接了11 家成员银行,真正实现了无第三方参与的交易。“数学经济之父”Tapscott认为区块链在将来会成为一个完整的系统并发挥巨大作用,我们应该鼓励支持,企业也应当顺应当前趋势,才能为产生更多创意。加之Linux基金会、微软、谷歌等行业持续加大资金投入更加证明了区块链技术可应用的前景。而国内近年来区块链技术迅速发展,应用范围逐渐拓展。此前,招商银行在2007 年完成了一笔跨境人民币汇款任务,标志着业内首个区块链跨境清算平台上线。目前,中国人民银行、中央网信办、公安部相继出台了区块链相关监管规定,国内监管机制逐步建立,国内区块链应用将更加广泛。在未来,区块链技术应当加大对财务与会计活动的改变,改善财务会计信息系统。减少传统会计行业中心化的问题,减少人为的管理干预,建立自主管理的信息系统,让信息系统自动获取并自动处理信息,旨在提高会计信息系统的可靠性、自主性,实现真正的自主记账。传统会计行业存在投入大量人力物力,消耗大量的时间,仍然存在失误与疏漏,难以降低审计风险。由于区块链技术中的哈希算法有助于发现会计活动中的违规行为,从而大大规避了风险进而提高了安全性,其中注册会计师渎职的行为也会得到约束。将来在区块链技术下,可以完全实现每笔交易的可追溯性,在会计核算方面引入此技术,改造分布式账本系统,最大化区块链技术中去中心化这一特性,实现每一个节点都能参与其中,交易信息透明化、公开化,真正实现每一笔交易可追溯,便于审核时核对与检索,大大改善徇私舞弊等行为的发生。

In 2016, the block chain of accounting R3CEV published its first distributed book experiment, using the sector chain service of Temas and Microsoft Azure, connecting 11 member banks with a truly non-third-party-retrieval technology, introduced the block chain as a magic computer aimed at bringing to the world a new mechanism for creating economic and social systems. Tapscott, founder of the Mathematics Economics, suggested that the block chain would become a complete system in the future and play a significant role in the creation of a new economic and social system. In 2016, the block chain of accounts R3CEV published its first distributed book experiment, using the technology chain service of Temas and Microsoft Azure, connecting 11 member banks with the technology of the technology of the sector, effectively enabling transactions without third-party-party-retretardation.


IV. Challenges for accountants under block chain technology


In recent years, block chain technology has gradually infiltrated the area of accounting, significantly reducing financial risks under superior block chain technology, and there is greater advantage in handling big data, so the challenges faced by accountants are enormous and need to upgrade their expertise and literacy in a number of ways, without which they will face the risk of future phase-out.


(i) Poor computer standards


In the context of the Internet age, accountants cannot be confined only to paper-based books, but they need a better computer knowledge stock. Computer technology, combined with block-chain technology, balances the storage and security of a large amount of data, and these mainstream technologies require skilled accountants, who only have adequate computer knowledge to solve a range of problems facing their future work. This requires greater in-depth learning by accountants about computer knowledge.


(ii) Inadequacy of professional qualifications


The continuous development of block-chain technology, the replacement of accountants as compared to computer technology, and the increasing emphasis on accuracy on professional literacy among accountants. Distributed books under block-chain technology are different from traditional general ledgers, requiring full access to data, matching traditional books with distributed books, continuously optimizing business systems, safeguarding data transmission, sharing, retrieval proficiency, and learning more methods of data analysis, judging changes in the environment and taking proactive measures.


(iii) Inadequate control over risk projections


While the technology of block chains is not yet mature, accountants need to have a sense of the future industry’s dominant thinking, measure future risks, and accelerate their own transformation, so that complex talent is the talent needed in the future market. Block chain technologies can replace basic computing and auditing issues, but accountants with future risk judgements and integrated analysis cannot be replaced, and accountants need to be sensitive to risks, assess risks and value in an integrated manner before making decisions, and only if they have a strong capacity to deal with the volume of information generated under block chain technologies can they not be eliminated from the tide of change.


V. Future responses of the financial accounting profession


(i) Accelerating personnel transformation


In the future, in the light of the trend towards the progressive application of block chain technology, enterprises should strengthen the transformation of accounting staff to create more integrated talent that is more suitable for future development.


(ii) Innovations in accounting oversight


Block chain technology has features that are difficult to tamper with and time stamp, thereby safeguarding the credibility and security of accounting information. There is evidence of abuse of authority by accountants, which will be stifled in the cradle. Businesses should take advantage of block chain technology, improve audit oversight systems, achieve accounting oversight innovations, improve government legal oversight systems with some degree of administrative oversight, and give full effect to the role of internal audit bodies. This will significantly reduce the time and cost of audits and increase the deterrent effect of business management.


(iii) Introduction of a system


Block chain technology is still in its early stages of development, but the relevant legal system is still incomplete. Without the system, it will be difficult to resolve conflicts or major problems in the course of future transactions. There will be no uniform standards, regulatory difficulties, financial chain technology will continue to be difficult to popularize and identify. The financial accounting industry should be more institutionalized, using legislation and government guidance to regulate the market, using the greater advantages of block chain technology.




The block chain, which represents the new technology, is slowly evolving in the debate and controversy, and its features are manifested through sophisticated encryption techniques, consensus-building mechanisms, and algorithms, and some vague features are beginning to crystallize. The block chain may redefine the cultural economy and bring about new cultural changes and advances. Instead of deconstructing the block chain technology itself, it will briefly analyse the impact that the block chain idea will have on the new cultural economy, taking into account the characteristics of the new cultural economy.


Innovative features of block chains and the new cultural economy


Cultural industries are a central part of the cultural economy, and the development of cultural industries has entered a new stage of development. At present, the cultural industries, characterized by innovation and entrepreneurship, are in line with both the national “double-in” strategy and the general pattern of the new normal of the economy, and are therefore particularly valued by the industry.


In the context of the Internet economy, cultural fundamentals are more fragmented, cultural differences become more visible, and social cultural autonomy becomes imperative. The DAO (decentralized self-government organization) is seen as an important form of the regional chain version, an innovation in the governance model underpinned by the technological platform of the regional chain, which does not need to be “decentralized” in a limited chain of social autonomy.


The “intermediate” is a great advance in the era of social division of labour and has the effect of improving economic efficiency in traditional business societies. In the industrial chain of cultural industries, the intermediary also has the role of “irresistible”.


Cultural production is not limited to the sphere of cultural industries, but is also present in various areas of the pan-cultural industry and the creative economy, which together constitute a mega-cosm of cultural production. The important components of cultural production include production (creation of copyrights and other rights), trade, dissemination, circulation, consumption, etc., coupled with individualized and non-characterized features.


Elements of a block chain and a new cultural economy


Elements are another important feature of the new cultural economy: “culture” acts in its own form as an element of economic development, and at the microeconomic level as a right. This right is intellectual property, copyright, and any value-added capacity that can be assessed.


The White Paper on the Technology and Application Development of the Block Chain in China (2016 edition) states: “Intellectual property rights have become a central element of market competitiveness with the emergence of a knowledge-based economy. The Internet should be the frontline for intellectual property protection, but intellectual property rights violations in the current Internet ecology have been a major factor in the debate on the intellectual economy for 20 years. The important contradiction between intellectual property rights and the effective use of intellectual property rights has been the contradiction between intellectual property rights and the external nature of intellectual property.


Second, value-connected ideas drive cultural financial change and cultural property values. The Internet is a fundamental leap from information to value-connection, which makes the value chain closely linked to the financial system. The value-interconnectivity of block chains is currently questionable, but with the proliferation of block-chain projects, value-interconnection is no longer remote. Block chains provide a reliable technology of commonality and “infrastructure” for the transmission of values in the field of cultural production and cultural finance. Internetization and the development of Internet finance models in traditional financial institutions will take advantage of the value-connected Internet chains, which have a direct impact on the cultural sphere. At the same time, Internet cultural finance will have a unique value-interconnection system with cultural features.


Integration features of block chains with the new cultural economy


The third feature of the new cultural economy is its integration, which is very evident in the integration of the broad cultural and cultural industries with the related industries, the blurring of the boundaries of the cultural industries and the increasing value added of culture in the non-cultural industries.


In March 2014, the State Council published its Opinions on Promoting the Integration of Cultural Creative and Design Services and Related Industries. In December 2016, the State Council issued the "13th Five-Year National Development Plan for Strategic and Emerging Industries" and “Digital Creative Industries” became one of the five major industries or clusters. These documents are the most important policy guidelines directly related to the integration of cultural industries.


The way in which block chains affect industrial integration and accelerate industrial integration needs to be seen and explored in depth, but one thing is certain: from the point of view of block chains, breaking industrial boundaries is, first and foremost, the unification of the industrial context. The distribution, trust, and collective preservation of characteristics of block chains, first of all, the right of the subject to speak and the right of each subject to govern together, so that barriers in different sectors of industry will be greatly removed.


As far as digital technology is concerned, block-chain technology, as the bottom of the Internet and even of the Internet, will fully safeguard the rights and interests of digital technology developers, users, and consumers. Only by safeguarding the rights and interests of all parties in the field of digital technology can digital technology and creative cultural industries be integrated.


In addition, smart contracts are an important part of the chain, embodying the spirit of the market economy contract and the concept of governance, and will have far-reaching implications for the transformation of market mechanisms in the new cultural economy.


Keywords: block chain and rural sports


* The present document was not edited before being sent to the United Nations translation services.


In line with the National Strategy for Rural Renewal, in 2017 the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Directorate of Sports jointly issued the Guidance for the Further Enhancement of Rural Sports Work, developing a rural sports service system and transforming the rural economy from workforce to human capital. Around 530,000 social sports instructors in the country, on average, every 2,000 can be equipped with a social sports instructor, and more than 90% of social sports instructors are concentrated in urban areas, with very few rural social instructors. Although rural teachers can be part of the social guidance team, rural sports teachers still experience human resource poverty. The regional chains have the advantage of working efficiently, good safety factors, consensus-building mechanisms, distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, de-centreization, and have a stronger theoretical basis and practical value in solving the problem of mass exercise and social guidance in rural sports.


2. The current state of sports development in rural areas


2.1. Current state of development of sports activities in rural areas


The Government of Shaanxi province has also issued regulations on general fitness in Shaanxi province, the opinion of the Xianxi People’s Government on the further strengthening of sports work at the district level. The establishment of the rural sports service system is conducive to the establishment of a social security system, and the country’s emphasis on rural sports and rural revitalization is the economic basis for the development of the rural sports service system. The sector chain has the advantage of working efficiency, good safety factors, consensus mechanisms, distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, and decentralisation.


2.2. Status of the development of social guidance in sports in rural areas


The Government of Xingxi Province has also issued the Regulations on National Fitness in Shaanxi Province, the Plan for the Implementation of National Fitness in Xingxi Province (2016-2020), and the Opinion of the Xingxi People's Government on the further strengthening of sports work at the district level. The basic subsidy for the implementation of State-mandated rural sports activities and the maintenance of rural sports facilities in the administrative villages amounts to 1,200 yuan per year. There are “three ones” at the township level: a comprehensive gymnasium, an indoor gymnasium, a lightball yard with a watch pad, a gymnasium in the countryside, a gymnasium in the countryside, a gymnasium in the countryside, a gymnasium in the countryside, a sports site in the countryside.


3. Problems in the exercise of rural sports people


3.1. Lack of physical activity awareness and sports opportunities for farmers


There is a contradiction between the diversification of rural sports needs, such as village farmers, rural workers working in village enterprises, construction works, rural workers, children left behind, women left behind, the elderly, etc., and the inadequate supply of sports equipment in rural areas. From the standpoint of sports sociology, the exercise of healthy values among the rural elderly influences the exercise behaviour of young and middle-aged people in rural areas.


3.2 Rural sports poverty and poor sports infrastructure


The overall level of construction of sports facilities in rural areas is low because of the difference between urban and rural binary structures, insufficient investment of funds and unclear planning criteria for sports facilities in rural areas.


3.3. Inadequacy and irrationality of public sports services in rural areas


There is a shortage of places in rural sports and insufficient rural economic development.


3.4. Unequal demand for sports information and less radiation in sports policy regulations


Village villagers lack organized guidance and demonstration, village villagers lack access to communication channels for their claims, and village villagers lack sports guidance.


4. Application of block chain technology in rural sports mass exercise


4.1. “Drug-in” orientation of rural farmers' needs, “pick-up” of idle rural sites


Rural farmers’ families are part of a community chain that supports the rural gymnasium movement mechanism. In new villages, the knowledge and methods of physical exercise are promoted and disseminated in sports and physical fitness events, changes in the logic of physical exercise behaviour of new farmers, increases the exchange of experience between new types of farmers in sports and physical fitness for life, and fosters the practice of physical exercise for new types of farmers, enriching the recreational and recreational life of new types of farmers. The most representative group of non-profit associations in rural sports is the village square dance organization.


4.2. Establishment of incentive mechanisms for block chains and innovation of working methods


Based on the incentives for mass physical fitness in the Implementation Plan for National Fitness in Shaanxi Province (2016 - 2020), public scores, fitness groups, sports halls, gymnasiums, sports facilities, scientific guidance, events, distribution of sports vouchers for rural villagers, etc., are recorded at the district level. There are “three ones” at the town level: a comprehensive gymnasium, an indoor gymnasium, a light-and-light court with a viewer, a rural farmer's gymnasium in an administrative village and a small district.


5. Application of block chain technology in the social guidance of rural sports


5.1. Improved social guidance in rural sports, based on the needs of farmers at different levels of physical fitness


Rural farmers use their family members as a means of bringing about sports and physical fitness in rural areas, promoting and popularizing the knowledge and methods of physical exercise in sports and sports events among new farmers, changing the logic of sports and physical activity among new farmers, enhancing the exchange of experience in sports and physical fitness among new farmers, developing new types of sports and physical activity throughout life, and enriching the recreational and sporting life of new farmers. Rural sports non-profit associations organize the most representative group of rural square dance groups. Based on the needs of new farmers for sports and physical fitness at different levels, scientific rationalization of sports and physical exercise facilities, raising the level of social guidance in rural sports, changing the concept of physical and physical exercise among new types of farmers, and fostering a culture of sunlight and healthy lifestyles among new socialist rural farmers. Associations such as the National Association of Popular Sports Projects, the All China Sports Federation, the Chinese Sports Association for the Elderly, etc. include rural farmers as members of associations, directing behaviour and avoiding physical and sporting damage among rural farmers.


5.2. Incentives for the establishment of a chain of social guidance blocks for rural sports


Building on the incentive mechanisms of the National Physical Health Implementation Plan (2016-2020) for mass physical fitness, the creation of a network of social organizations for rural farmers' sports, the recording of public scores of rural villagers, the fitness population, sports stadiums, gymnastics facilities, scientific guidance, events, distribution of sports vouchers for rural villagers, etc., using health networks, fitness publics and gymnasiums, village sports centres, village sports centres, village sports centres, village sports complexes, village sports complexes, etc., as well as the system of social guidance blocks for rural sports. The creation of sub-databanks for the social guidance of rural sports in the district chains: database of information on village sports events, database of village farmers' fitness management, database of physical monitoring of village farmers' sports, database of village farmers' sports information collection systems, database of village farmers' electronic health records, database of village sports events, database of planned village sports stadiums, village sports stadiums, etc.

【关键词】“一带一路” 区块链技术 国际金融合作

[Keywords] "All the way," block chain technology, international financial cooperation.



伴随着比特币的发展,作为根基的区块链技术也因其安全、便捷的特性也逐渐得到了银行与金融业的关注。人类社会不断进步与发展,但我们如今依然沿袭着数百年前诞生的金融交易体系,而其弊端正日益暴露。代替现金流通的有价证券的票据近年来屡次出现丢失的现象,运营着世界级的金融电文网络SWIFT CODE也多次遭受黑客袭击造成巨大损失。尤其是现阶段“一带一路”背景下,我国金融体系将要面临跨国结算、金融监管等难题,传统的技术已经无法满足现阶段和未来的需要,而区块链技术的应用可以在很大程度上保障资金安全、信息不可更改。区块链技术在金融领域的应用也逐渐走向成熟,纳斯达克在2015年首次使用了基于区块链技术的Nasdaq LINQ交易平台,提高私人股权交易的效率;Visa也开始开发一个基于该技术的App,以彻底变革汽车购买流程。毫无疑问,未来区块链技术将在金融交易领域发挥巨大的作用。因此对区块链技术在金融交易领域的研究是非常必要的。本文将从“一带一路”下的金融需求角度出发,从国际支付结算、证券交易、银行征信、金融监管四个方面进行分析论述区块链技术在金融交易领域的应用,并对区块链技术在我国一带一路中的应用提出政策建议。

In recent years, instruments that replace cash-flowed securities have been lost several times, operating the world-class financial message network SWIFT CODE, which has also suffered huge losses as a result of hacking. In particular, at this stage, our financial system will face difficult problems with cross-border settlements, financial regulation, and so forth, traditional technologies will no longer be able to meet current and future needs, and the application of block technologies will, to a large extent, guarantee financial security, information integrity.




The “one-way” strategy is a major strategy for China's socio-economic development and openness to the outside world, in which finance not only plays a leading role, but also supports various areas. Its application in the “one-way” area includes policy-oriented bank credit support, cross-border transactions and settlements, and cross-border investment and trade investment insurance.


(i) International settlement of payments

传统的跨国结算方式主要有:托收、承汇兑和委托收款三种形式。而这三种形式都需要借助银行的服务。传统的支付结算通过中介进行交易,要经过开户行、对手行、央行、境外银行。在此过程中每一个机构都有自己的账务系统,彼此之间需要建立关系,确立有授信额度;每笔交易需要在本银行记录,还要与交易对手进行清算和对账等,导致交易速度慢,成本高。大量人力的介入加大了信息的危险性,各银行依赖的SWIFT CODE在近年来频频遭受攻击更是暴露了这个问题。而相对来说,区块链系统在结算中具有高安全性、隐私保护和高冗余储存的特点。区块链系统是由大量节点共同组成的,不存在中心化的硬件或管理机构,且任一节点的损坏或者失去都不会影响整个系统的运作。区块链带有时间戳,由多个节点同时验证和记录,每个参与节点都能获得一份完整数据库的拷贝。一旦信息经过验证添加到区块链上,就会永久地存储起来, 除非能够同时控制整个系统中超过51%的节点,否则篡改和伪造的发生可能性几乎不存在。另外节点间无需公开身份,只有掌握了私钥的人才能开启自己的“钱包”,保障了交易方的隐私。因此我们可以看到区块链技术在支付结算领域具有巨大的应用价值和前景。

There are three types of traditional cross-border settlements: collection, transfer, and commissioning. These three forms require the help of banks. The traditional payment settlements are traded through intermediaries, through open-accounts, rivals, central banks, and offshore banks.


(ii) Financial transactions


In the current US dollar-based international financial system, the major US dollar-based currencies of countries along the “one-way” route have significantly increased costs, while risks such as exchange rate fluctuations, credit risk, and the risk of devaluation have increased the uncertainty of financial transactions. Added to the institutional “Triffin paradox” that has helped the US to transfer to its financial crisis, making financial connectivity difficult for countries along the “one-way” route.


(iii) Bank letters


At present, commercial banks conduct cross-border credit operations, starting with a review of the financial creditworthiness of borrowers. Cross-border letter-writing cooperation is an important element of “one-way” financial cooperation. For “one-way” national financial cooperation to be achieved, communication with partner banks, credit insurance agencies of other countries, branches of banks in other countries, etc. must be enhanced with respect to the development of credit markets, the regulation of credit institutions, the establishment of common credit rating systems and standards, the protection of credit risks, and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of information subjects.


(iv) Financial regulation


The shadow banking industry in China was estimated by the Deutsche Bank to be about 21 trillion yuan yuan in 2012, equivalent to 40% of GDP. Blindly growing shadow banks led to excessive credit expansion, which, if not controlled, was likely to repeat the mistakes of the US financial crisis.




The application of block chain technology in international payments settlements, securities transactions, bank letters, and financial regulation has been discussed above, and the possible problems in the application of block chain technology have been further explored. To truly achieve the widespread application of block chain technology in the “one-way” context, it is important to strengthen our country's cooperation with financial institutions in the countries along the route by establishing a highly transparent Internet platform for international transactions and a safe and secure trading environment to improve the efficiency of transactions.


At the same time, based on the fact that block chain technology is highly dependent on its network effects, our country should begin to cooperate as soon as possible with the major international financial organizations when exploring block chain technology. In view of the positive developments in block chain technology, the China Block Chain Alliance for Technological Innovation and Applications has been formally established. The major financial institutions should develop industry rules as soon as possible, on the basis of practical block chain technology, in order to institutionalize, standardize, enhance security and lay the foundations for a future legal system.




[1] The Tsai Tsai chain technology and its application in the financial sector I [J]. China Financial Computer, 2016, 02:30-34.


[2] Dong Jing, Tang Huayun, Zhang Dong. Recent technological developments and important points of view in the IFI block chain [J]. Bonds, 2016, 07:46-51.


[3] Quadrants, Li Jihua Block Chain Application in Supply Chain Finance [J]. Information Systems Project, 2016, 07:49-51.


[4] Boundaries. Block chain technology and applied analysis in the financial sector [J]. Science and technology outlook, 2016, 27:115.




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