币圈6月18日最新资讯一览 比特币价格临关键支撑

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As of 18 June, Bitcoin prices were approaching critical support positions, and market analysts warned of downside risks; major projects and security technology providers worked closely together to address financial security gaps; the zero-knowledge second-tier extended technology platform defended air-drop standards, while the risk of pre-issuing tokens prompted Coinbase’s special warning. In addition, Tether’s introduction of new gold to support stable currency offers new possibilities for the market.

币圈6月18日最新资讯一览 比特币价格临关键支撑


Bitcoin prices are crucially supported, market warning downside risks

6月18日消息,比特币价格在近期波动不定,市场分析师正密切关注着64,000美元这一关键支撑位。根据知名加密货币分析师Rekt Capital的观点,比特币在接近71,600美元的高点附近出现了价格集群现象,这可能预示着价格有进一步下行的风险。

On 18 June, it was reported that Bitcoin prices had fluctuated in the near future, and market analysts were closely following the key support position of $64,000. According to Rekt Capital, a well-known cryptographical currency analyst, Bitcoin’s price clustering near a high point close to $71,600 could portend a further downside risk.

Rekt Capital在社交媒体上指出,当比特币价格在区间高点阻力位,即约71,600美元附近形成价格行动集群时,这通常是价格下跌至区间较低水平的先兆。事实上,比特币价格在6月7日触及71,949美元的高点后,已经回落至当前的65,393美元,周线图上显示出近5.7%的跌幅。

According to Rekt Capital, in social media, when bitcoin prices formed a cluster of price actions near the zone’s high resistance, which is around $71,600, this is usually a precursor to falling prices to lower interzone levels. In fact, after reaching a high point of $71,949 on 7 June, Bitcoin prices have fallen back to the current level of $65,393, showing a decline of almost 5.7% on the perimeter map.








The price of


On 18 June, according to news reports, Bitcoin sellers returned to the exchange, market concerns increased, and Bitcoin prices continued to decline when Wall Street opened on 17 June. Bitcoin prices are at risk of further decline because of the failure of multiple forces to regain the upper hand.

据Cointelegraph Markets Pro和TradingView的数据显示,比特币在Bitstamp交易所的价格从65,910美元跌至65,066美元,几乎触及6月14日创下的一个月低点。周末出现的温和上涨趋势未能在本周第一个亚洲交易时段得以维持,而美国市场则继续保持低迷情绪。

According to Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView, Bitcoin fell from $65,910 to $65,066 on the Bitstamp exchange, almost touching a month-long low on 14 June. The mild upward trend on weekends was not sustained during the first Asian trade this week, while the US market remained subdued.



Link joins Fireblocks and Ancilia to enhance security response to financial loopholes

6月18日消息,针对涉及1000万美元用户资金的安全漏洞,Alex Lab旗下的比特币桥接项目XLink积极采取措施,宣布与领先的安全技术提供商Fireblocks及Web3安全专家Ancilia展开合作,共同提升系统安全性。

On 18 June, in response to a security gap involving $10 million in user funds, Alex Lab's Bitcoin Bridge Bridge Project XLink actively took steps to announce cooperation with the leading security technology providers Fireblocks and Web3 security specialists, Ancilia, to improve system security.

在与行业媒体Cointelegraph的交流中,Alex的首席执行官兼联合创始人Chiente Hsu详细阐述了新的安全策略。他指出,与Fireblocks的合作将为XLink的钱包与智能合约管理注入多方计算(MPC)技术,以加强资产保护。

In an exchange with industry media, Cointelegraph, Alex’s CEO and co-founder, Chiente Hsu, elaborated on a new security strategy. He noted that collaboration with Fireblocks would inject XLink’s wallet and smart contract management (MPC) techniques to enhance asset protection.



zkSync defenses Sybil protection, currency pushers ZK drops


On June 18, it was reported that the second-tier extension technology platform, zkSync, had recently defended the challenge it was facing with regard to the zkSync (ZK) token drop standards that it was about to launch on June 17. By updating the FAQ document, the platform provided detailed answers to a number of questions about empty investment grids, in particular a preventive strategy against Sybil’s attack.

在6月15日更新的FAQ中,ZK Nation回答了15个热点问题,详细阐述了为何某些团体有资格获取代币而其他团体则没有。其中,平台重点介绍了对Sybil攻击——即单个实体创建并使用大量钱包以获取空投的行为——的检测及预防措施。这一问题近期已成为空投申领者持续关注的痛点。

In the updated FAQ of 15 June, ZK Nation responded to 15 hotspots, detailing why some groups were eligible to receive tokens, while others did not. Among them, the platform focused on testing and preventive measures against Sybil attacks — the behaviour of individual entities that created and used large amounts of wallets to obtain airdrops.



Coinbase warns that pre-issuing tokens or incomplete listings

6月18日消息,Coinbase International,这一于2023年5月成立、作为知名美国交易所Coinbase的海外分支机构,近日就预发行代币的潜在风险向投资者发出明确警告。该公司指出,尽管预发行市场为投资者提供了提前参与某些代币投资的机会,但这其中潜在的风险不容忽视。

On 18 June, Coinbase International, an overseas branch of Coinbase, a well-known United States exchange established in May 2023, recently issued a clear warning to investors about the potential risks of pre-issuing tokens. The company stated that, while the pre-issuing market provided investors with the opportunity to participate in some of their investments earlier, the potential risks could not be ignored.

Coinbase International特别强调,预发行代币有可能永远无法顺利进入完整的上市流程。公司表示:“我们必须指出一种风险,这种风险超出了Coinbase的控制范围,即基础代币可能永远不会正式发行。倘若项目方或相关机构做出不发行的决定,那么预发行市场将无法按照预期转变为标准的永续期货市场。在此情况下,市场可能不得不面临暂停甚至退市的局面。”

Coinbase International stressed, inter alia, that pre-issuing tokens may never be able to enter the full listing process smoothly. The company stated: “We must point to a risk that goes beyond Coinbase’s control, that is, that the base tokens may never be officially issued. If the project party or the agency concerned decides not to issue, the pre-issuance market will not be able to turn into a standard permanent futures market as expected. In this case, the market may have to face a suspension or even withdrawal.”



Teth introduced a new gold to support a stable currency, "Alloy"


On 18 June, Tether, a leading figure in the digital currency field, recently announced the launch of a brand-new dollar-linked stabilization currency, Alloy (aUSDT), supported by gold. This innovative digital asset marks a new exploration by Teth in the stable currency market and its first attempt to support it with gold.

据悉,Alloy将通过Tether新设立的Alloy by Tether平台进行铸造,并以Tether Gold(XAUt)作为超额抵押。Tether Gold本身便是一种代表实物黄金所有权的代币,但其价值与美元挂钩。新推出的Alloy,作为一种合成美元,旨在模拟美元的价值与功能,尽管它并非直接由美元支持。

According to the information received, Alloy will be cast through the new Alloy by Tether platform of Teth, with Teth Gold (XAUT) as over-encumbrance. Teth Gold is itself a token of ownership of gold in kind, but its value is pegged to the United States dollar. The newly introduced Alloy, as a synthetic dollar, is designed to simulate the value and functionality of the dollar, although it is not directly supported by the dollar.



The PAC, supported by .


On 18 June, the Political Action Committee (PAC) Fairshake, supported by well-known cryptographic money companies such as Ripple and Coinbase, was strongly opposed to the incumbent Member of Parliament, Jamal Bowman, in the 16th congressional constituency of New York, and has invested over $2 million in media campaigns.


According to the United States Federal Electoral Commission, Fairshake has spent a lot of money advertising to stop Bowman’s re-election. As of 16 June, external interests had contributed about $9 million to explicitly oppose Bowman.



FTX asset fight for escalation and multiple filings

6月18日消息,在前FTX首席执行官Sam Bankman-Fried的刑事案件中,所涉资产的分配问题引发了多方团体的激烈竞争。目前,Bankman-Fried正因欺诈和滥用客户资金等罪名在联邦监狱服刑25年。

On 18 June, it was reported that in the criminal case of Sam Bankman-Fried, former Chief Executive Officer of FTX, the distribution of the assets in question triggered intense competition among various groups. Bankman-Fried is currently serving a 25-year sentence in a federal prison for fraud and abuse of client funds.

6月14日,代表FTX债务人及其巴哈马实体FTX Digital Markets的律师团队向美国纽约南区地方法院提交文件,主张对可用于满足法院对Bankman-Fried的110亿美元判决的资产拥有优先权。他们声称,包括FTX的飞机、在多家银行持有的资金、Robinhood股票的出售收益以及与前FTX高管的政治捐款等资产,不应用于Bankman-Fried的刑事判决,而应优先用于赔偿已倒闭交易所的受害者。

On 14 June, a team of lawyers representing the FTX debtor and its Bahamian entity, FTX Digital Markets, filed a paper with the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, arguing that priority should be given to assets that could be used to satisfy the Court's judgement of $11 billion against Bankman-Fried. They claimed that assets, including FTX aircraft, funds held in multiple banks, proceeds from the sale of Robinood stocks and political contributions from former FTX executives, should not be used for the purposes of the Bankman-Fried criminal judgement, but should be used as a priority to compensate victims of the closed exchange.





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