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In crypto-currency investments, ICO, IEO, IDO are common virtual currency fund-raising methods. What does that mean? What is the difference between them? Why do people like to invest in IEO?


The article will provide an insight into the financing of IEO-based encrypted assets (virtual currency) and describe their strengths and weaknesses, concrete examples and modalities of participation.

ICO全称Inital Coin Offering(中文:首次代币发行),是加密货币市场中的一种募集资金方式。

ICO, fully known as Inital Coin Offering (Chinese: first issue of tokens), is a form of fund-raising in the crypto-currency market.


A simple book is the ICO issuer's vision for you to invest in your own projects & & ldquo; token & rdquao; sell to investors in exchange for financing in mainstream virtual currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Etherco.


Unlike ICOs, which derive from the IPO concept of the stock market, which is unregulated in currency circles, many countries do not currently have relevant legal regulation and investment risks.


In the name of ICO, some fraud syndicates use worthless & & ldquo; air currency & & rdquo; in exchange for investors’ main currencies, such as bitcoin and tats. Even if they can be put on an exchange, most of them will break down (by breaking the issue price).


While ICO gives many negative impressions, there are also many successful ICO cases. For example, the second-highest market-market place, Etherum, launched the ICO in 2014, raising $18 million in 42 days. This is one of the very successful ICO projects.


From fund-raising to listing, ICO follows four main steps:


1) Launch: ICO project party to develop ideas related to the block chain and issue negotiable digital indents on the public chain


2) Outreach: ICO projects publish white papers, attract investors and participants, and start community formation.


3) Fund-raising: investors purchase shares of ICO in BTC, ETH or French currency, and the project party gives the investor a certificate of interest in the currency issued by the investor himself (a certificate of interest in the investment).


4) Listed: ICO party went to the Encrypted Currency Exchange to apply for the listing of its own currency, which, if successful, would enable the investor to buy and sell the & ldquao; & rdquao;


The greatest benefit for ICO is that the project party can access funds through ICO without a government permit, but there is a great risk for the investor.

?ICO优点: ?ICO缺点:


For example, Google can search for the "ICO Project Investment 2003" and find the ICO in progress.


Some groups use &ldquao; airdrop & rdquao; in the form of direct benefits for marketing purposes.


ICO purchasing method:


For example, the ICO (LPX) in progress in May 2023 above can be purchased at the registration price on its official network to support ETH, USD and credit card requisitions.


Since the LPX is not yet on an exchange, an encrypted wallet (e.g. MetaMask) needs to be registered before requisitioning.


After the heat of the ICO cooled down, cryptographic money companies began to study and improve the ICO mechanism. Concepts such as IEO, IDO, DAICO, ETO, and STO were introduced.


At present, the main new approach of the Virtual Currency Exchange is the IEO (first issue of the Exchange), which, compared to the ICO, has an encrypted currency exchange endorsement, is more secure and has a lower rate of failure of the new currency!

IEO全称Initial Exchange Offerings(首次交易所发行),是加密资产发行方透过「交易所预售机制」向虚拟货币投资人募资的一种方式。

IEO, fully known as Initial Exchange Offices (first issue of the exchange), is a way for encrypted asset issuers to raise funds from virtual currency investors through 's "exchange pre-sale mechanism"


Simply put, the project party collaborates with the Virtual Currency Exchange to issue its own currency.


The biggest difference between IEO and ICO is that IEO acts as an intermediary for the exchange platform to raise funds, is more rigorous in project clearance and is relatively reliable .

币安交易所的CEO赵长鹏曾经评价IEO :“从贡献者的角度来看,每个IEO参与者都必须在交易所创建一个帐户并用ETH发送到该帐户,而不是将ETH发送到管理ICO的智能合约(项目方)。当IEO开始时,参与者可以直接从交易所购买代币。”

According to the contributor, every IEO participant must create an account on the exchange and send it to the account instead of sending it to an intelligent contract to manage the ICO (project party). When IEO starts, participants can buy tokens directly from the exchange.


From fund-raising to listing, ICO follows four main steps:


1) Launch: project participants propose ideas for new projects and prepare a white paper for the project.


2) Looking for a cooperative exchange: looking for an encrypted currency exchange to assist in collaborative fund-raising, applying for IEO.


3) Exchange Audit: The Exchange evaluates and reviews the project and, if approved, sets a date and method of raising funds for IEO.


4) On the market: User Mortgage Exchange Platform Currency (e.g. BNB) for the purchase of IEO tokens.


Since IEO has a more credible exchange endorsement, it is also of interest to investors that it is better than the ICO (first issue of a token) in terms of both the increase and the failure rate of the previous currency.


It is important to note that while IEO risks are lower than ICOs, they are not suitable for everyone. Because IEOs can only get tokens through exchanges, they are more central.

?IEO优点: ?IEO缺点:


In order to participate in IEO, it is possible to “require” from the major virtual currency exchanges, and the IEO projects are different depending on the exchange.


Binance is the first encrypted currency exchange to launch IEO.


The BNB has to be pledged on the first day of the warehousing cycle, and the Money Security Council will "share" the amount to be requisitioned to you.

PS:能够上币安Launchpad的IEO项目大多都是币安已经审核过的Web3.0专案,在最近的1年中仅推出了四档,分别是STEPN、Hooked Protocol、Space ID、Open Campus,这些IEO代币在上架24小时后的收盘价,涨幅都超过1000%,有些币甚至超过3000%,这也是大家竞相申购币安IEO的原因。

PS: Most of the IEO projects that were able to secure Launchpad are web3.0 projects that have been audited by the currency, and only four have been introduced in the last year, namely STEPN, Hooked Protocol, Space ID, Open Campus, which collected more than 1,000 per cent of the prices after 24 hours on board, and some more than 3,000 per cent, which explains the competition for currency IEO.


What needs to be noted is that past performance does not represent future outcomes. Investments are at risk, especially when IEOs are introduced by small exchanges, and they are at full risk of collapse!

IDO全称Initial Dex Offering(首次去中心化交易所发行),指的是透过去中心化交易所(DEX)发行代币的募资方式,也称「首次首次透过DeFi发行」。 IDO和IEO的差别在于是否「去中心化」。

IDO, referred to as International Dex Offering (first release to a centralized exchange) , refers to the way in which money is raised through decentralized exchanges, or ‘for the first time through DeFi’. The difference between IDO and IEO is whether or not to ‘decentralize’.


The IDO allows users to pledge funds in exchange for a new currency, and some of the funds raised are added to the liquidity pool (LP) with the new currency and then returned to the project. The process is done automatically through a smart contract on the chain.

  • IEO(Initial Exchange Offerings)的Exchange指的是「中心化的交易所」,比如币安、OKX、Bybit等。
  • IDO(Initial Dex Offering)的DEX指的是「去中心化的交易所」,比如Uniswap、PancakeSwap等。


The rules and phases of IDOs depend on the operator, DEX, with the following common operating methods:


1) Review: project parties present IDOs at DEX and, after review, provide tokens at fixed prices.


2) Locked funds: users lock funds in exchange for replacement currency.


3) Creates a liquidity pool: some of the funds raised by are used to create a liquidity pool, while the rest is left to the team. Investors can trade in tokens after TGE.


4) Open transactions: , during the TGE phase, money transfers to users and a liquid pool of money in currencies open to transactions.

IDO为项目提供一种简单易行,成本低廉的代币发行方式。并且参与的客户不需要身份认证 (KYC)。缺点是IDO并不成熟,了解和使用IDO的人很少。

IDOs provide the project with a simple, easy-to-do, low-cost currency issuance. And participating clients do not need identification (KYC). The disadvantage is that IDOs are immature and few people know and use IDOs.

?IDO优点: ?IDO缺点:


Where do you participate in IDO? .


The simplest way to participate in IDOs is to visit the decentralised exchange DEX (e.g. PancakeSwap or otherwise) and learn about the forthcoming IDO project.


2. How to participate in IDO?


The project party will provide a description of how the funds are locked in.


Investors must first pledge in the decentralized (DeFi) liquidity pool in order to earn the currency of the liquidity pool, rather than directly lock it in.


Caution: Before participating, we need to do our homework and invest through a trustworthy DEX.

具体措施包括密切关注IDO的机制、项目团队及其代币经济学。 IDO代币发行风险较高,应始终在自己能够承受范围内投资。

Concrete measures include paying close attention to the IDO’s mechanisms, the project team, and the economics of its tokens. IDOs are more risky to issue and should always invest to the extent they can afford.


IDOs are very similar to IEOs, and the difference is whether they are centralized or not, and there are fewer IDO investors involved.


The biggest difference between ICO and IEO is that the IEO project is subject to review by an exchange before financing, and can be directly placed on the exchange. Most of the ICO financing is not subject to review by the exchange, and you buy & ldquao; token & rdquao; may never be able to be on the exchange & & ldquao; top & rdquao;

运作流程 ICO IEO
Step 1 代币发行方提出想法,准备白皮书 代币发行方提出想法,准备白皮书
Step 2 直接向公众融资(ICO),用户将“代币”存到钱包 寻找合作募资的IEO交易所
Step 3 向交易所申请“上币” 交易所批准后设定IEO募资日期
Step 4 交易所批准后“上架”,如果被拒绝代币就无法在交易所流通 投资人直接在交易所申购或出售
资金募集 代币发行方 加密货币交易所
审核 项目独立运营销售,因此没有审核流程 交易所会对自家IEO项目审查
参与方法 代币发行方指定方法,只有部分人能参与 在交易所“申购”,谁都能参与
智能合约管理 项目方 交易所
上币 ICO后需要向不同交易所申请“上币”,获准才能在交易所交易 由交易所上币,投资人可直接在交易所申购


In terms of how ICO and IEO operate, IEO & ldquao; token & rdquao; will certainly circulate on the exchange. ICO & ldquao; token & rdquao; may not circulate on the exchange and have no value.

笔者在2017年曾经被人推荐ICO代币-TLC(True Life Coin),声称在1年之内会上架某交易所,但5年之后我依然没有看见其“代币”有上架哪间交易所,还被集体诉讼。明显就是ICO资金盘骗局。

I was recommended to ICO-TLC (True Life Coin) in 2017, claiming to have an exchange in one year, but five years later I still haven't seen it & ldquao; token & rdquao; and which exchange I had on, and was subject to class action.


ICOs, IEOs, and IDOs actually all have their own investment risks and advantages. During the Cattle Market in 2017, ICOs were gradually replaced by IEOs and IDOs because of higher incidences and even more frauds.


In terms of past experience, the IEO projects launched by a number of major crypto-currency exchanges have performed well, both in terms of success and return.


The Binance is the first exchange to launch IEOs, and there is a strict audit of IEO projects. The five IEO projects that have been launched in the last year have not broken down, with a return of up to 2000%.


Other mainstream exchanges also follow, launching their own IEO platforms.

虚拟货币交易所 IEO平台 参与描述
Binance(币安) 币安Launchpad 切换到繁体中文?理财?资产发行平台?Launchpad,质押BNB参与
OKX(欧易) Jumpstart 可以查看过往项目的收益率,质押OKB参与
Bybit(拜比特) Bybit Launchpad 可以查看过往项目第一周平均收益,质押BIT参与


What does that mean by ICO/IEO/IDO? Read the details of the ICO/IEO/IDO distinction and participation methodology, and more information about the comprehensive ICO/IEO/IDO presentation.

Tag:ICO   IEO   iDo  



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