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Li Jing >


Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Shanghai School of Political Science and Law, and post-doctoral post-doctoral post-doctoral post-doctoral post, East China University of Political Law


It's important.




II. The logical premise of Wib3.0 consensual economic legal governance: digital rights


III. Web 3.0 Pertinent drivers of economic legal governance: Platform powers


IV. Web 3.0 The external forces of economic and legal governance: Government authority


Concluding remarks


Users develop and implement a composite digital right based on their digital siding and pseudonyms under the Translator's economic rules, and digital sibling rights serve to achieve pseudonym rights. User's digital rights form the basis of the rights of translator economic development, which is a logical premise for the governance of the Wieb 3.0 pseudonyms. Physics is a composite power that refers to the type of “legislative” “administrative power” “jurisdictional power” that is developed and implemented by the Translator's economic rules and that exercises control, restraint and compatibility features. The pseudatory platform has an ethical, public participation and equal treatment review mechanism for economic rules of translatorship, based on the principle of safeguarding user generality.


I, Introduction


Since December 2021, when the State Department issued the “14th Five-Year Digital Economic Development Plan” with a clear emphasis on “promoting the healthy development of our digital economy”, Web3.0, which is the “new generation of Internet”, has become a key infrastructure for the digital economy. “In the age of Web3.0, we can not only read and exchange information, but also transmit assets, but also have the Internet itself through the Certificate (Token), which has been derived from the `Intelligent Economy'.” The Translator Economy is an organic integration and integrated use of smart tools, with a view to changing existing production relationships through the effective allocation of resources, creating a new economic model.


Unlike the information economy of the Web1.0 era, which is characterized by “click traffic”, and the Web 2.0 era, which is characterized by “monopolistic data”, the Web3.0 era is characterized by a hyphenic economy characterized by “user values”; the different stages of Internet economic development coincide with the transfer of the status of the user-dominated subject of legal relations. “It (block chain) makes it possible for us not to exchange data, but to exchange the value of data, so that the Internet will be completely reconstructed.” Based on the description of the hyphenic economy, the centralized form of distributed counterpart economics is aimed at building equitable economic relations, eliminating the huge gap in rights obligations between enterprises and users on an equal footing with civil subjects; the platform of digital diversity and digital asset counterpart economies and data, smart technology such as smart contracts to ensure the creation, transformation and termination of legal relations between users, and to avoid the unequal relationship between business and users by means of monopolistic contracts; users of producer counterpart economics, property rights determination, distribution of benefits, rule-making, etc.


Another facet of the protection of user digital rights in the televised economy is the use of smart technology as a means of maintaining a mesmerized economic order on a mesmerized platform. It appears that users participate in the mesmerized economy on a distributed basis, and that the value generated by users is redistributed in the context of uniform rules on mesmerical platforms.


In particular, in the Web3.0 era, where users’ rights were fragmented and the platform’s powers were increasingly centralized, users’ digital diversities and digital assets became tools for the platform’s management or control of users, and digital rights compiled by distributed autonomous organizations (DAOs) were unlikely to be effective in governance in the face of a rule-making membrane platform. If government power was not involved in translator economic governance, the platform would continue to use smart technology to magnify, and would be tilted towards protecting users’ scales for its own direction.


Compared to the concept of a market economy, the essential attributes of a mesmerized economy, such as autonomy, equality, competitiveness, openness, and orderlyness, remain unchanged, but the foundations of the mesmerizing economic value lie in trust rather than in simple connections. This determines the tension between the digital rights of users of the mesmerized economy and the power of the platform, which is distinctly different from the platform’s power side of the platform’s economy.


II. The logical premise of Wib3.0 across-the-board economic law governance: digital rights


When web3.0 is combined with the personal and property relationship of the user, it produces forms that are not identical to civil law rights to personal and property rights, i.e., the participation of the user as a subject in a general economic activity based on digital siding and digital assets, which is referred to here as the user’s digital rights. However, digital rights are not a normative concept in the positive sense but have only descriptive value. It can be said that it is not the network service provider that decides on the development of a translator’s economy, but rather the user of translator production and translator exchange in Web3.0. On this basis, the realization and guarantee of the user’s digital rights is a logical prerequisite for legal governance of the Web3.0 translator’s economy.


Numerical Rights Basis: The “no possibility triangle” and the “possibly triangle” of intelligent technology


Turning to the digital rights of users of the Web3.0 membrane economy, it is inevitable to start discussing them at the technical level. At the inception of block-chain technology, technology developers realized the disadvantages of block-chain technology, namely, that the public chain of block-chains could not achieve the three dimensions of expansion (high performance), security and decentralization at the same time, and that the achievement of two of those features would be at the expense of the other, which was called the “no possibility triangle” of the block-chain. The anonymity of technology applications weakened the connection between digital divers and real identities, allowing users to participate equally in translator economic activities as digital divers.


The first dimension is the personal centre of digital diversity in the tranco-economy, i.e. the independence and equality of digital diversities. The second level is the organizational centre of digital diversity, the distributed self-governing organization (DAO), which defines the basic order for the functioning of the hymn economy by establishing the corresponding rules. The third level is the platform centre of the user's digital divisibility and translator platform, which is based on commonly recognized values and rules. In addition, there may be a fourth dimension in the future, namely, the Web3.0 Translator Economic Centre.


As for the expansionability of block-chain technology, the solution is the cost-effectiveness of general production and exchange. Of course, expansion is not a real problem from the full life cycle of a technology. Simply put, the completion of every transaction in a block chain requires nodes to compete for bookkeeping.


From a development perspective, the “no way to triangle” technology does not actually exist; or the “no way to triangle” “triangular” may not be realized at the same time. Promoting the new generation of Web3.0’s continued viability lies in the dynamism of the meso-economy, with emphasis on the equal participation of different subjects in the meso-economy and the need for distributed networks that support large and frequent tradable economic activities and safeguard the property security of users. Only a dynamic, self-repairable, distributed, high-performance and security “probable triangle” intelligent technology that meets the needs of user hysteria, which forms the basis for understanding the concept of digital rights.


Digital rights expression: digital bilocation rights and digital asset rights


“The right to personal data is a framework system of rights that accommodates both the fundamental rights of emerging data and the benefits of digitalization of traditional fundamental rights.” In conjunction with the above analysis, the digital rights of users are a combination of digital diversities and digital assets. “The personal attributes of personal information do not prevent the intrinsic value of the property from being separated from the subject, externalized into property and commercial use.” Corresponding to the personal and property rights in civil law, the digital rights of users are expressed in digital bilocation and digital asset rights.


1. Right to digital segregation as a corresponding right to personal rights


In a hyphenic economy, the digital splitting rights of users often exist for the realization of digital asset rights and differ from the rights of the person. Digital splitting rights refer to the rights and interests of users based on their digital splitting.


In the general theory of civil law, the civil rights of natural persons are divided into the rights of personality and identity. In this context, the right to identity has the exclusive meaning of the right of a natural person to an identity or status based on marriage or family relations. Clearly, users do not have such a right in the general economy, and the expression of the right to digital identity can easily be confused with the right to identity.


Second, digital dichotomy is created. People in the real world enter Web3.0 with digital rights on the premise that there is a digital dichotomy. Digital dichotomy is a self-description of users based on their own preferences, including virtual heads, virtual images, etc. It cannot simply be assumed that the digital dichotomy of users is an extension of their real identity in translator economic activities, that digital divers exist independently, that artificially intelligent technologies are used to learn themselves and continue to operate in the metacosystem, even if people in the real world no longer exist.


Finally, there are differences in the ability to create digital diversities. Users have the right to create digital divers equally. However, equal creation of digital divers does not amount to the same ability to dress digitally. “The contemporary theory of social networks has also revealed that, even if social structures are portrayed as a network made up of a large number of self-central nodes, different nodes in the network may result in inequality because of differences in their resource endowments.


2. Digital asset rights as corresponding to property rights


Translator is essentially a certificate of interest based on trust, a digital asset in the translator economy and a carrier of different rights in Web3.0 rather than a carrier of rights. For example, “NFT only links to these objects, and their carriers are NFT creators that upload and store NFT servers.” Different translator platforms can create different types of translator and have ownership of all or part of the translator.


In the general economy, users use private keys to maintain control over the generation of data, while smart contracts can be used to authorize others to use the data and gain the proceeds. Regardless of the property rights on the commons, user control of the commons by private keys indicates that the user is the holder of the negotiables. In the case of negotiable owners who are able to convert the certificates into property rights, it is agreed between the parties to the transaction.


Second, there is a wider range of “invisibles” that can be carried on the mediocre. Unlike in the real world, the meta-cosmos is a product of consciousness.


Its own objects often come from human perception rather than from actual labor (the code itself should not be treated as a product, it's just one).


The creation in Web3.0 can break the norms of the real world and create the real world with digital resources. The mediocre economy expands the scope for people to buy and dispose of “invisibles,” even if this “invisible” is essentially a virtual product, expressed as a digital image, but allows consumers to feel what the real world has never felt.


In the end, the value of hyphenism lies in the consensus of the users of the hymen economy. Translator rights tend to be subjective rather than objective. There are scholars who see the amazingly high price of NFTs because they “create a natural price for scarcity and storytelling”, while “people are willing to pay for things that are scarce and storytelling.” Consumers of the hymen economy buy NFTs as a spiritual satisfaction, not as a material demand in the real world.


The extent to which


1. Scope of the exercise of limited personality rights


“Regardless of the right to information or the right to a person below the line, the legal function of mere `identification' merely links information to the individual, meaning that it creates the possibility of `right' belonging, and that the subject of information protected by the law can be identified only by distinguishing whose information it is. The user's digital separation does not have the right to identity, and whether or not it has the right to personality and what kind of right to personality requires further analysis.


It is not compatible with the right to be free to act independently and without interference within the law, to be deprived of personal liberty or to be subjected to unlawful deprivation, restriction of personal liberty or unlawful search of the body. If the user's number is divided into acts expressly prohibited by a membrane platform such as “danger” of the rights of others or a passable economic order in Web3.0, the mediocre platform can limit the activities or seals of the digital split by technical means and may have the effect of restricting or depriving the person of his or her personal freedom, except that the implementing entity is not the State, but the platform. The effect of this is not extended to the person of the user, and the citizen's self-esteem and the right to human dignity, which is subject to the minimum respect of others and society, is a right to subjective and objective evaluation, which can be extended from the user's person to his or her digital compartment. If the user's number is separated from the Web3.


The main difference between privacy and information as a subject of legal relations is that “the privacy is a strictly personal interest and does not contain any property attributes, and the information is primarily a legal personality interest but contains certain property attributes.” The legal definition of privacy is usually based on private content that is subjectively unintelligible to others, and objectively relates to personal peace of life. The privacy rights enjoyed by users in the general economy are mainly expressed in the use of nicknames and digital subdivisions for digital economic activities, which do not want to be associated with real identity and affect their real life. The legal criteria for defining personal information are identifiable. In the general economy, users can deal with personal information only by maintaining control over personal information by private keys, and by authorizing access to and use of personal information, for example, by means of smart contracts, in order to satisfy the requirement of “a person's consent” under the Personal Information Protection Act.

表1 用户数字分身权利内容与人身权利对比简表

Table 1 Summary of user's digital split rights content versus personal rights


2. Expanding the use of property rights


In traditional civil law theory, possession applies only to money, and in a mesmerized economy, this principle can be applied to circulars. Passors control the pass by private key, and ownership of the pass can be directly disposed of. Even if the user obtains a pass by illegal means such as theft, using a private key to obtain physical control of the pass, it has an appearance of ownership of the pass. In comparison with property stolen in the real world, possession is likely to be recovered only in monetary terms. By virtue of the anonymity of the pass, the pass is difficult to recover in the tradable economy.


III. Web3.0 Pertinent drivers of economic legal governance: Platform powers


In the platform's economic era, the platform usually has three types of “power”: “quasi-legislative” for the development of platform rules, “quasi-administrative” for the implementation of regulatory measures, and “quasi-judicial” for the resolution of disputes. “quasi-legislative” is the basis for two other “powers”, many of which are provisions that restrict user rights and impose user obligations; “quasi-administrative” is the enforcement of platform rules; and “quasi-judicial” is the resolution of disputes on the basis of platform rules. As noted earlier, Web3.0 smart technology allows self-executing rules based on “user value”.


In addition to the initial rules developed by the initial members in the initial period, the democratic governance logic of the Translator’s rules, which, in the course of operating, users voted to develop, modify, repeal, and, even in the event of a dispute, use fixed evidence of technology to resolve disputes and take further steps to improve the current economic rules of the Translator’s economy. The democratic governance logic of “making the rules of the Translator’s economy—the rules of self-enforcement—the user vote to update the rules of the dispute—the rule of perfecting the economic rules of the Translator” does not fail to demonstrate the acceptability and efficiency of the realization of the Translator’s powers.


Composition of the power content of the platform: Transmittal economic rules


Transmittal economies are generated on the basis of translator production and movement, with the creator’s economy as the main component. But how to motivate more users to create the ecology of the translator economy, how to define NFT standards and trade rules, and how users can participate in the governance of the translator economy require well-designed rules for the translator’s platform.


In the first place, it is possible to assume that the monopoly on the exercise of power is legitimate and legitimate, and that the monopoly on the exercise of control has technical and regulatory advantages. At the time it was established, it exercised a class of “legislation” that provided the basic rules for the conduct of the participants in the economy, even if users could change the economic rule by participating in governance, but some of the principled elements could not be changed in a way similar to the Constitution. For example, the constitutional rule on the state of the state, which provides that the power of the economic system is vested in a mercantilist platform, is the actual control of the mercantilist platform.


Second, a membrane platform enforces general economic rules through smart technologies, exercising a class of “administrative powers.” The enforcement of memorized economic rules is a continuation of a class of “legislative powers”, i.e., the memorized economic rules are subject to fair enforcement, using smart economics such as block chains and smart contracts to ensure full process transparency. The idea is implicit in the resultism of memorized economic rules – the process of developing memorized economic rules does not require transparency, but the established memorized economic rules need to be public and intelligent technologies to ensure fair enforcement. Once memorized economic rules are not implemented with fair results, the memorized economic rules may face an awkward situation, and the platform’s credibility is unbreakable.


Finally, the modem addresses disputes with acceptable dispute resolution outcomes and exercises a class of “jurisdictional power.” “The virtual compatibility of disputes in the meta-cosmos, human interlocking and causality features that establish the authority of the economic rule by considering whether or not they are acceptable to the outcome of the dispute.” However, considering the acceptability of users may leave dispute resolution in an uncertain state, similar disputes may not be resolved with the same result, which reduces users’ psychological expectations of rights relief. In the event of problems that are not clearly defined in the code, the platform is required to present rules for resolving disputes on the basis of the consensus of most users, i.e. an objective consensus against the will of the individual, leading to the evolution of the eco-health of the economy in the public order.


platform rights apply to: users and themselves


The characteristics of the mestión economy and the automatic implementation of the rules of the mestión economy make both users and the platform itself potentially subject to the power of the mestión platform.


1. Participation in a licensed economic activity is the acceptance of the Platform's power management


In the general economy, digital rights can be realized by means of technology or by autonomous organizations between users of tradables and users of a common goal. The translator provides smart contract services to both parties to the transaction, and both parties can effectively secure digital rights by setting up smart contracts.


Now. The DAO is based on the consensus of the user, which allows the user to self-manage the DAO matter.


A means of self-empowerment for users of the certified economy. “Commercial applications of digital technology are themselves an expression of precision in the manipulation of people's meanings and expressions.” The control of translator economic activities is achieved in a manner that confers digital rights on users, who enjoy autonomy or co-governance as foreseen by the rules.


2. The profit-driven nature of the Translator Platform determines that it is bound by its own powers


The motivation for the involvement of different subjects in the economic activities of the mestión is to be able to benefit from it, including spiritual and economic interests, in which economic interests are at the heart of it. The mestión platform is a “legislation body” of the rules of the mestión economy, but it is also the beneficiary of the mestión economy, where “digital platforms manage themselves in such a way that it is difficult to avoid the subjective tendency to abuse the right to autonomy.” The mestión economic rules and their proper operation are directly related to the very existence of the mediocre platform.


Features of the exercise of power in the platform: control, restraint and compatibility


Control of the exercise of the class of “legislative power” by the < strong> 1.


In order to motivate users to participate in the membrane economy, the mesmerized platform may design and adjust the platform’s system of economic incentives in due course. Changes in the system of economic incentives may mean changes in the way, rights, etc., of participating in the membrane economy. However, either type of economic incentive mechanism may develop into a game in which ordinary people cannot participate: the PoW (Credit of Work) mechanism may require subjects such as enterprises to be able to afford the cost of calculating; the PoS (Certificate of Interests) mechanism may be rewarded by a large number of subjects.


In addition, the Translator platform “collaborates” the user's will by means of a mesmerizing economic rule. One of the main reasons why the translator's role in the economic period of the platform differs from that of the platform is that, in a translator's economy, the platform's role can be defined as a program code with a specific function, capable of operating automatically, i.e. that the subject responsible for the code can be covered by the code's author, developer, and the DAO that voted on the code maintenance update. The translator can be referred to as a looser platform's structure, if in fact it exercises the power to establish the economic rule of the translator, and not just to operate by a particular organization or individual. “The act of integration consists of a mutual regulation between the public and the individual; every individual, when it can be said to be concluded with himself, is bound by a two-fold relationship: for the individual, he is a member of the sovereign; and for the sovereign, he is a member of the State.” For a translator platform, if it is a code that operates on the public chain of the district chain, as long as long as it operates, the chain of the sector, the chain, the chain, the code can also operate permanently and cannot be shut down to society.


The binding nature of the use of the class of “administrative authority” by the < strong>.


In the general doctrine of administrative law, the administrative act is usually referred to as an administrative act if it is carried out in strict compliance with the statutory scope, conditions, standards, procedures, etc.. Conversely, if it is performed in an administrative act, the administrative act is discretionary. Whether the economic rule of generalization is a rule of principle or a specific one, a translator's platform will use intelligent technology to automate, strictly enforce economic rules of generality and have no room for discretion. This may be regarded as binding in the exercise of a class of “administrative powers”. From an administrative efficiency point of view, the exercise of the power of a translator platform, while increasing the efficiency of translator production, exchange, distribution, consumption, etc., can also reinforce the equality of users before the rules. However, such automatic and strict “administrative enforcement” will also have certain disadvantages and will not adequately address their personalized needs, without taking into account user differences, and the user's property may be automatically and improperly “executed” and without prompt relief, to some extent contrary to the spirit of free competition and contractual freedom in the economy.


Compatibility of the use of the class of “jurisdictional powers” by the < strong>.


In resolving disputes between users, the Translator Platform, in addition to allowing the parties to accept the outcome, as far as possible, so that it can have the same resolution results when similar or similar disputes arise, is tantamount to a “guide case” on the Translator Platform. However, in order for more users to accept the outcome of their disputes, the Translator Platform may take the form of “contacts” that respect the will of the user. In particular, it does not exclude users from engaging in translator economic activities in order to obtain experiences that are entirely different from those of the real world, or even those that are prohibited by the legal rules of the real world. When digital splits in Web3.0, they are able to do more than traditional Internet users use text, language, pictures, videos, etc.


In general, the Web3.0 distributed network provides smart technical support to the Translator platform, enabling the Translator platform to exercise its “jurisdictional” “jurisdictional powers” similar to the “legitimate powers” of the State, whose control, restraint and adaptability dictates qualitative changes in its power over platforms in relation to the platform's economy, with complex implications for users as well as digital rights, mainly as a result of the fact that the Translator economy's high demand for arithmetical power dictates that users can only use the tools provided by the Translator platform for their production, that the Translator platform can no longer return to the “self-sufficiency” of personal computing power at the dawn of the Translator economy, that is, the monopoly platform monopolizes the production information of the Translator economy, that creates values that are subject to the translator platform, and that it is directly involved in stakeholders, that it “tied” on the Translator's “brand vehicle”, that allows members of the DAO to move away from the user-to-se-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-be-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-inter-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-inter-to-to-to-to-to-inter-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-inter-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to


IV. External forces of Wib3.0 economic legal governance: Government power


In contrast to traditional Internet-era platforms that directly control or even monopolize the Internet economy, the Wib3.0 membrane economy is essentially a centralized distributed economy. It can be said that the distributed network space in which the membrane economy operates and the intelligent technologies that enable it to govern itself and provide distributed self-empowerment and mechanisms for the realization of rights and the safeguarding of rights have actually led to the distribution of power in digital space. This distribution has reduced the control of State power in digital space, reinforced the platform’s control over the functioning of the membrane economy, and further expanded in the Web3.0 era.


is based on the fundamental principle of safeguarding user pass rights


User pass rights are an economic motivation for their involvement in the economic activities of translator. “In a digital society, the law focuses not only on identifiable individuals.


The personal interest in information cannot be ignored, nor can it be said that the property interest inherent in the natural content of personal information be ignored. It is the property value of personal information in a digital society that gives rise to the need for legal protection of personal information.” The guarantee of user passability is a limitation and constraint on the power of the pass platform, which is the basic principle of the legal governance of the Wibb 3.0 pass economy. The protection of the user's universal right stems from our Constitution's stipulation that “the legitimate private property of citizens is inviolable” and “the State shall protect the private property and inheritance rights of citizens in accordance with the law.” The Civil Code also provides for the principle of protecting virtual property on the Internet. “Insistencelessness” is more prominent in the sphere of the mercantiological economy, the user's right to passivation is the basis for the realization of other rights in the translator economy.


In particular, the basic principle of safeguarding the rights of users is the following two aspects: first, the distribution of the values of the certificates, without prejudice to the law and taking into account the economic affordability of the users, should be carried out in order to avoid adverse interference in the rights of the users of the certificates by a transient platform. In accordance with the principles and spirit of copyright laws, the creation of substantive labour creations by authors should be protected and, as agreed, the benefits of translator flow should be ensured by means of an intellectual contract. In order to achieve the acquisition of the translator's property and personal rights by a writer, there is a need to satisfy the requirements of the copyright law and the agreement on remuneration. First, the translator must not design the translator and the distribution of values in such a way as to violate the provisions of the law and the agreement of the parties.


uses tax allocation settings as a regulatory tool


In the membrane economy, the membrane platform has introduced a “record” system for the distribution of hyphenic income, which may be regarded as a system for the distribution of hyphenic rights within the memorized economy, but which is inherently different from mandatory national taxes. The development of the membrane economy does need to be encouraged, but the goal of the membrane economic development should be to distribute the revenues generated equitably and avoid the new division of rich and poor. “As in the early Internet, block technology represents a liberal political ideology that seeks to weaken, if not collapse, the need for government and financial institutions by means of de-intermediated technology.


Taxes targeted at redistribution of value are not easy to implement in a tremor economy. Web3.0 is not covered by state-controlled borders, and State power seems to have become blurred in the web world. The pass can flow freely from an anonymous digital split or digital wallet to another anonymous digital split or digital wallet, and the traditional “territorial” or “personal” taxation cannot be applied effectively in a tremor economy. There are scholars who suggest that it can be adapted to the characteristics of the “significant economic presence” proposed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as a new link, i.e., the “revenue of income from a market jurisdiction on a continuous basis”, digitalization (i.e., a geographical name, digital platform and choice of payments), customer groups (including active users on a monthly line, the formation of line contracts, and data collection) as a basis for the use of digital currency-based digitally-to-to-to-people contracts for the transfer of people's currency, or for the use of people's digital-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-people digital-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-go-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to


makes it a specific requirement for a review of financial rules of generality


A review of the economic rules of translator is a specific requirement for the governance of the power of the translator platform. Regardless of what kind of “administrative procedure” or “judicial process” is used by the translator platform to enforce the economic rules of translator, the implementation of the economic rules of translator is guaranteed by smart technology. The impact of the exercise of power of the translator platform is such that specific requests for government intervention can be made in terms of both a substantive review and a formal review of the economic rules of translator. In this context, the ethical review of the economic rules of translator should span the entire life cycle of the translator platform, and public participation in the review takes place mainly at the stage of translator economy rule-making, with equal treatment being given to the review of the application of economic rules of transleasing.


1. Establishment of a system of substantive review of the ethics of economic rules in general


“Ethics are the basic norms of reason and order that govern human-to-human relations, human-to-social relations” and the basic codes of conduct that have been established for the safe, reliable and controlled development of artificial intelligence. From 2017, the State Council, in its Development Plan for the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence, explicitly proposed to “establish a legal and ethical framework to safeguard the healthy development of artificial intelligence”, to 2022, when the Opinion on Strengthening the Ethics of Science and Technology proposed to strengthen the ethical governance of artificial intelligence, the ethical examination of science and technology has become a fundamental requirement for the good of science and technology.


In particular, the Government has established a system of scientific and technical ethics review to identify specific codes of ethics, norms and accountability mechanisms. For example, the Translator Platform can be required to comply with the principles of human interest and responsibility set out in the White Paper on the Standardization of Artificial Intelligence (2018 editions). The “personal boundaries” security function set up by the Translator Platform can be considered to be a preliminary ethical rule, but it is also a means of ex post facto compensatory discipline to impose restrictions on users who violate ethical norms, or even to remove the digital split account number. If an ethical violation is the Translator Platform, its conduct is already related to the offence of breaking the law, and it can be dissolved by “an automatic suspension of business licences, a restraining order, or the removal of links to the digital subdivisions” of the Smart Technology. In addition, in order to achieve the same legal effect as the closure of the Web site, the Regulatory Department can demand that the service of the Platform be discontinued on the basis of an updated version of the Code 3.


2. Establishment of a public participation review system for the economic rules of generalization


Public participation was a process that required State authorities to engage in public participation in decision-making processes and to listen to the public when they acted with obligations affecting public rights. The aim was to safeguard the public's right to be informed and to monitor the right to ensure that public decision-making was carried out successfully. During the process of establishing pass economic rules, members of DAO, who had a governance pass issued by the pass, had a certain right to vote. However, the voting rights of DAO members were often a governance prerogative, an incentive for earlier users to participate in tremotive economic activities or to contribute to the tremor economy, an unfair opportunity for late users to enter the pedagogic platform or less economically capable, a loss of opportunity to participate in the development of universal economic rules, and a lack of will to be reflected in the pedagogic economic rules. In order to involve more users in the development of general economic rules to meet the formal requirements of public participation, the user's loyalty to the pedagogic economic rules - participation in the pedic economic rules.


For this purpose, users can participate in economic activities.


As a factor in determining whether or not they can participate in the regulation of the economy, leapfrogs and contributions are dynamically adjusting the governance qualifications of users. Governmental powers review whether or not the economic rule of the economy introduces public participation, in particular by requiring that the economic rule of the economy be developed in accordance with procedures, including public participation, in order to make the economic rule of the economy scientific and democratic.


3. Establishment of a system of substantive review of the equal treatment of the economic rules of generalization


In the area of administrative law, equal treatment is the basic norm for people to interact with each other, requiring that no distinction be made without justification. Equal treatment requires that a transacting platform develop the contents of a translator’s economic rule without clearly benefiting one and adversely affecting other subjects. It also requires that a translator’s application of a translator’s economic rule provide equal treatment to different users and that the government treat the translator platform and users equally.


First, when dealing with disputes between different users, a translator can be held accountable for violating the rules when some or all of the transaction on the chain is an additional economic benefit to the user by other technical means that violates the economic rules of the translator, contrary to the original intent of the economic order of the translator to be maintained by the platform, especially if it is unfair to the author (worker) who has worked, and the translator can be held responsible retroactively for managing the translator of the translator. This provides a means of defending the rights of participants who have suffered an infringement of their rights in the translator economy, i.e. that the aggrieved person does not need to determine who is the infringer and seeks compensation for it, but can demand that the translator fulfil his or her obligation to review digital assets, etc. If the non-compliance obligation to review leads to the circulation of digital assets in the translator economy, the translator should be held responsible for the violation, and should identify, by retroactive sources, the publisher of the infringe digital assets, punish the publisher, for example, by restricting transactions or removing accounts numbers.


Second, when dealing with disputes involving their own interests, the pseudonyms are treated equally in the same way as when the pseudonym is required to deal with the same incident. For example, when hackers steal the pseudonyms, the pseudonyms are required to provide equal security protection for digital assets of different pseudonyms. Even pseudonym development or maintenance teams should enjoy the same level of security as ordinary participants, avoiding unequal treatment: when ordinary pseudonyms of the pseudonyms are stolen by hackers, development teams or maintenance teams perform their duties negatively on the grounds of anonymity in the network of block chains, and when hackers steal development teams or maintenance teams' passors, they defend their interests in a segmented manner.


Third, in either of the above cases, a membrane platform would not be able to be “uniquely” between “athletes” and “jurisdictional” identities.” “When the influence and control of a superplatinum enterprise in its space rises to a certain level, superplate enterprises would use the platform's enterprises to pursue their profits and maximize their profits wherever possible.” While technology has been used to create an environment of fair trading and distribution, it is simply a means and strategy to pursue their interests, “we have no reason to expect private enterprises to take responsibility for the provision of universal public services.” In the area of a membrane economy that is emerging and has already accumulated some wealth, government intervention is still needed to “supervise or even avoid conflicts of interest between the subjects and directs a dynamic balance of interests towards the common purpose of monitoring governance.” “Innovation should not be the exclusive right of scientific and technological companies or entrepreneurs in the private sector, but also government and public service institutions can innovate, especially when new technologies are mature.


concluding remarks


In this world, where reality and numbers have been integrated, the values of the real world will be linked to those of the digital world, the legal governance of the tranco-economy should, together with the autonomy of the tranco-economy, constitute the system of governance of the tranco-economy, and the autonomy of the tranco-economy should be governed by the law. However, the legal norms that exist in our country are not well matched to the characteristics of the tranco-economy in order to confirm that it is well suited to its characteristics.


The legal narrative of the digital asset rights subject as a protection of rights does not effectively address the governance challenges of the meso-economy, which requires a balance between property legislation that encourages mercantilist economic innovation and the protection of a system of rights based on tradable values, in particular legislation that promotes equitable sharing of the fruits of meso-economic development. Only if digital rights are effectively protected and the power of platforms is limited can rule the rule of law be truly achieved. “The state needs to seek a balance between technology and trust through effective governance, thus driving society towards a digital era where technology and trust converges.




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